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Y&R Recap: After contemplating her life at Cassie’s grave, Sharon chooses to make a confession before returning home.

Friday September 27, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Sharon visits Cassie’s grave and reflects on the events that led her to this moment. Thursday’s recap: Faced with Heather, Sharon loses consciousness, […]

Friday September 27, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Sharon visits Cassie’s grave and reflects on the events that led her to this moment.

Thursday’s recap: Faced with Heather, Sharon loses consciousness, ki.lls her, and disposes of her body.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 27. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Sharon heads to the graveyard at night and takes a seat on a bench. She recalls the memory of dragging Heather’s body out of the apartment and disposing of it.


“How am I ever going to get out of this?” she wonders.

Standing by Cassie’s grave, she admits that she never should have believed this would bring healing or justice.


Cassie has always been her guiding light and begs her to let her know what to do.

What happened tonight wasn’t her. She’s made mistakes before, but not like this. Was this the culmination of her life?

She flashes back to fighting with her mom before the accident that paralyzed her.

Sharon wonders if she’s always been plagued by guilt and that’s what brought her there. Cassie is proof there are good things in her life too.


There are things she would never change, like meeting Nick. She flashes back to asking him out for his birthday.

She recalls their relationship, how he made her feel like a princess as they moved from friends to lovers. No one ever made her feel more loved and protected.


Not everyone was happy about that, like Nikki, who was continually lecturing her for being controlling and unleashing her guilt on others.

She recalls several of their fights about her not being good enough for the family and continually being on the verge of collapse.

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Sharon worries that she has always created conflict and that’s what’s landed her here.

Sitting before the grave, she decides conflict isn’t the story of her life since she and Nick always managed to overcome their obstacles.


She flashes back to various times they got back together and how he broke up their marriage with Phyllis.

Even when they weren’t together, their bond was there.

She remembers giving up her baby and Nick confronting her for lying about being a virgin.

She was scared that Nick would run but he stayed by her side. Getting Cassie back was a dream come true and she was sure that Nick would fall in love with her too.


She remembers when he adopted Cassie. Sharon finally had everything she wanted. “I should have known it wouldn’t last,” she says.


She’s sorry she didn’t bring fresh flowers but didn’t know she was coming.

She did bring a photo of them with Nick and remembers when they gave Cassie an engraved necklace.


Sharon didn’t know how lucky they were until that horrible night…

She never should have let Cassie go out that night. Losing her broke her and Nick. Everything fell apart.

Even when she started to feel like her life was going back to normal, she was always on the verge of another downward spiral.


She remembers shoplifting, drinking, and setting fires. In the deep throes of bipolar, she didn’t even know she was sick.

Everything that has happened was because of that damn night.

As she weeps, Sharon is sure that Cassie would remind her there were happy times. She recalls when she and Nick learned they were having another baby just as Cassie told him they would in a dream.

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Sharon couldn’t accept they were destined to be back together. But then Faith came.


After that, there was another miracle. At first, she wondered if it was just a side effect of her drugs or the pain of missing Cassie, but Mariah was real.


It was like having Cassie back but it wasn’t her. She was so angry that someone who looked and sounded so much like her not be her.

Her heart wouldn’t let her brain accept it. Nick eventually found out that they were twins.

Breaking that to Mariah wasn’t easy. She wanted to be the mother she never had and that she never got to be to Cassie.


Now she worries that she’s failed both of her daughters.

Mariah resisted her at every turn but she persevered, praying she would one day let her in.

She remembers a Christmas they spent together and how she gave her Cassie’s snow globe when she finally started calling her “mom.”


Since Mariah is her twin, part of Cassie is inside of her to continue loving and holding onto.

Being a mom has helped her get through the pain and grief of losing her.

Her life has exceeded her expectations. She remember opening Crimson Lights with Nick, Neil giving her a job, and finally graduating from college.


Something inside her has helped her face so many challenges, like being raped by Matt Clark, getting cancer, and losing Rey.

She’s a survivor and one of her proudest moments was opening Cassidy First to honor her.

She had no idea that seeing and hearing her name constantly would drive her to this.

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When she heard that Daniel had moved back, she thought she could handle it but the mere sight of him overwhelmed her with rage.

She wanted to hurt him but came to her senses and stopped herself. That’s when Heather came in and somehow she died.

She can’t recall what happened but is guessing it wasn’t self-defense. The blacking out is tormenting her.


She begs Cassie to talk to her as her better angel and tell her what to do. Should she confess and end this madness?

Her only remaining joy is her family. Her children are the best part of her, proof that she did some things right and isn’t all bad.

“Thank you. I know what to do now,” she says.

After placing a kiss on the grave, Sharon walks away.


At Sharon’s, Nick is about to leave the house to search for her. He asks Mariah and Faith to stay in case she comes back.


Faith worries something bad has happened and it’s her fault. Mariah blames herself and Nick tells them they aren’t to blame.

Sharon walks in. Her daughter’s throw their arms around her.


“I’m sorry. I’m okay. Everything is going to be okay,” says Sharon.


Next week on Y&R!

“Dad?” Lucy asks.


“Your mom’s not coming home,” Daniel tells her.


“That’s why I confessed,” explains Sharon.


“Confessed to what?” asks Nick.


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