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Feral Cat Has a Huge Amount of Liquid in Its Stomach

Garfield, a feral cat discovered in a village in Indonesia, captured the hearts of animal lovers worldwide after it was revealed that she had a huge belly that was mistaken for pregnancy. […]

Garfield, a feral cat discovered in a village in Indonesia, captured the hearts of animal lovers worldwide after it was revealed that she had a huge belly that was mistaken for pregnancy. The cat, whose belly continued to grow larger for months, was eventually rescued and taken to a veterinary clinic for an examination.

It was a warm day when we set out to look for Garfield, guided by the villagers who had been keeping an eye on her. When we finally found her, we were shocked at how large her belly had become. We immediately took her to the clinic, where the doctors began a thorough examination to determine the cause of her condition.

Garfield, who had been living as a feral cat, was understandably frightened and agitated. She refused to eat in the morning and her breathing became heavy. The doctors had to be very careful not to further stress her out. After conducting various tests, they discovered that she had an enormous amount of fluid in her abdomen.

The doctors promptly drained 850cc of fluid from Garfield’s belly. This was a significant amount of fluid, and we could only imagine how uncomfortable Garfield must have been with all that fluid in her belly. The doctors then conducted a series of tests to determine what was causing the fluid buildup.

Fortunately, the tests revealed that Garfield’s heart and kidneys were functioning well, but her infection levels were quite high. The X-rays, however, showed that there was a bullet lodged in her stomach, which had caused the infection. We were devastated by this news, and we could not fathom how anyone could be so cruel to a defenseless animal.

The doctors recommended immediate surgery to remove the bullet, as it posed a significant risk to Garfield’s health. The surgery was a success, but Garfield’s temperature dropped after the procedure, and she needed to be kept warm with warm water for several hours. We monitored her closely to ensure that her stitches were healing properly and that she was free of infection.

Garfield was a brave little girl, and her body’s resilience was nothing short of remarkable. Her stitches healed well, and there were no infections. She did not require any medication after that. Garfield began to regain her strength, and her appetite slowly returned.

Watching Garfield’s transformation from a scared and frail cat to a healthy and happy one was nothing short of miraculous. She had been through so much in her life, and yet she had the courage to keep fighting. We were amazed at how strong she was, and we knew that she would go on to live a wonderful life.

Garfield’s incredible journey to recovery serves as a testament to the power of love and the resilience of the animal spirit. Her story has inspired countless people worldwide to become more aware of animal welfare and to do what they can to help animals in need. Garfield’s legacy will live on, and she will always be remembered as a symbol of hope, courage, and love.
