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Piscis, a Stray Dog Battling a Severe Skin Condition

Homeless animals often face a multitude of challenges, including untreated medical conditions, hunger, and fear. Piscis, a stray dog suffering from a severe skin problem, represents one such case. This article chronicles […]

Homeless animals often face a multitude of challenges, including untreated medical conditions, hunger, and fear. Piscis, a stray dog suffering from a severe skin problem, represents one such case. This article chronicles her journey to recovery and the unwavering efforts of her rescuers to provide her with the care and love she desperately needs.


Piscis is found by rescuers, visibly suffering from a grave skin condition and displaying an immense fear of humans. This fear could be a result of the unknown hardships and abuse she faced while living on the streets. The rescuers approach her gently, aware that gaining her trust will take time and patience.

Upon closer examination, the rescuers discover that Piscis is suffering from a severe case of mange, causing her skin to peel and flake. Her fear of humans is evident in her defensive reactions, and the rescuers decide to use gloves and a blanket to protect themselves and soothe Piscis during the examination.

The rescuers learn that Piscis had previously sought shelter beneath a laundry facility due to her fear of loud noises, particularly fireworks. She remained hidden and avoided contact with people, highlighting the extent of her trauma and mistrust of humans.

Following the advice of a veterinarian, the rescuers begin Piscis’ treatment, which includes medicated baths and hair trimming. They hope that with consistent care, Piscis’ skin condition will improve, and she will eventually overcome her fear of humans.

Despite Piscis’ fear and initial resistance, the rescuers persist in their efforts to provide her with the necessary care. They manage to bathe and trim her fur, acknowledging that the road to recovery will be long but ultimately worthwhile.


Piscis’ story serves as a testament to the transformative power of love and compassion for animals. It also emphasizes the importance of not abandoning or mistreating them. The dedication of her rescuers in helping Piscis heal is a shining example of the positive impact humans can have on the lives of animals in need.


The story of Piscis, a stray dog battling a severe skin condition and her journey to recovery, showcases the dedication of her rescuers and the power of love and compassion in healing even the most wounded of souls. Her tale serves as a reminder to support animal welfare organizations and to continue saving the lives of countless animals who, like Piscis, need our help to overcome their challenges and find a brighter future.
