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Y&R Recap: Sharon informs Mariah that she’s going off the grid, while Adam tells Chelsea they might have a future together as a couple.

Friday September 20, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Nick seeks advice from his family, while Billy reveals to Phyllis what went down between Adam and Chelsea. Meanwhile, Sharon confesses that she’s […]

Friday September 20, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Nick seeks advice from his family, while Billy reveals to Phyllis what went down between Adam and Chelsea. Meanwhile, Sharon confesses that she’s not in Madison.

Thursday’s recap: Billy and Phyllis confront Lily over her betrayal, while Mariah searches for her mother and Sharon isolates herself in a motel.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 20. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Adam and Chelsea meet at Society, where she shares that their son wishes for them to reunite as a family.


They question whether they’ve hinted at anything between them. She insists they can’t give their son false hope.

He agrees. She had genuinely believed Connor had accepted that they would never be a couple again.


Billy and Phyllis walk in.

It’s awkward so Phyllis makes small talk and Billy stomps off to the bar. Phyllis follows.


Adam thought Billy would put on a better act than that. He wonders if they are going to have to keep feeling guilty.

She doesn’t think Billy will ever forgive her and they need to live with this.


He wonders if they are talking about them. She wonders what they are doing together.

Adam blurts out they are made for each other and then apologizes for being insensitive.

He admits Billy did something kind by taking the blame with Connor. He repeats their son senses something between them.


She’s surprised their kid would want them back together. He thought that was every kid’s family.

Chelsea is taken aback when he asks if she’s thought of them getting back together and claims she’s been too mortified to consider it.


When she asks if he’s thought about, he claims he feels the same.

She says they need to talk to their son and stop him from getting his hopes up.

Adam admits he’s lied about not considering their future as a couple like they used to be. Is it that surprising?


What happened that night in Baltimore was more than desperation and fear. He can’t shake it.

See also  Y&R Recap: Lucy faces punishment, Katie confronts Billy about ignoring her for work, and Sharon appears jealous of Phyllis and Nick.

She doesn’t want to hear this and can’t believe they are having this conversation with Billy a few feet away.


At the bar, Billy glares at Phyllis when she asks if Chelsea dumped him for Adam.


He says she did not leave him for Adam and asks her to drop this. She keeps speculating and he tells her this is off-limits.

When she agrees to mind her own business, she adds she needs to know a bit about his personal life since it has an impact on their work.


She urges him to open up and says he looks like he’s about to explode.

He admits that Chelsea and Adam slept together. She’s sorry. He’s sure that Adam used Chelsea’s vulnerability to get her into bed.

She guesses he doesn’t blame Chelsea and wonders if he can forgive her.


He’s tried and if it was anyone other than Adam, he might. Phyllis is sure that Chelsea is full of guilt.

She suggests it could have just been two parents worried about their son. It’s been known to happen. He says that was Chelsea’s take.

Phyllis suggests he believe her. They’ve all made this mistake.


They watch as Chelsea storms out.

Billy immediately rushes over and demands to know what Adam did now.


In Victor’s office, his daughter prods him to consider her idea of buying Billy out and even offers to help pay for it.


He flatly rejects this. She asks her mom to help her out but Nikki sides with her husband.


Nick arrives and his mom asks if everything is alright. He admits it isn’t.

He explains that Sharon has been lashing out at Lucy and Daniel. She’s beyond upset. Faith’s accident trigged horrible memories for Sharon.


They’ve tried speaking to her but she keeps shrugging it off. She’s started actively avoiding them.

He was hoping they could give him some advice. He doesn’t know what wrong with Sharon or if she’s even on her meds.


They’ve pressed her to get help and he’s ready to go directly to her doctor himself.

See also  Y&R Recap: Billy ends his relationship with Chelsea, Victor deceives Lily and confronts Audra, while Cole and Victoria end the night together.

Victoria says the doctor won’t help unless she’s in danger. Victor says there are ways to make him talk.


Nick just wants to tell the doctor what he’s seen. His dad urges him to take Faith out of the situation and let her stay with him.

Nick doesn’t think that’s the answer. Nikki urges him to go to the doctor.


Her son says he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do and they say they will support this. He’s going to talk to Faith and Mariah and then the doctor.

He tells them how lucky he is to have them to talk to. Victor says that’s what family is for.


As soon as he’s gone, Nikki complains about all the worry Sharon has given her son.

Victoria admires how much he cares for his family, declares she will do the same, and walks out.

Nikki and Victor assume she’s running off to warn Billy.


In the motel, Sharon is shocked when Mariah calls and tells her she’s at her hotel door in Madison.


Cameron asks Sharon how she is going to get herself out of this.

Frazzled Sharon claims she was taking a sip of water and can’t let her in. She wasn’t feeling well and is on a walk.

Her daughter offers to meet up with her or handle the meeting. Sharon says the meeting is off.


Declaring she will see her at home, she abruptly hangs up. Cameron shakes his head.

The phone starts ringing and he barks at her to answer it. It’s Mariah. She wonders if her mom is mad at her.

Mariah suggests they hang out since it’s such a nice day. Sharon says they can meet up at home and insists she’s fine.


Her daughter repeats she wants to meet up with her. Sharon snaps and accuses her of checking up on her.

She accuses her of working with Faith to interrogate her about her mental health. She just wants some room to breathe. They are making her feel worse.

See also  Young and the Restless Spoilers: Victoria has an affair with Billy, leaving Cole and Claire heartbroken.


Mariah continues pleading with her to meet face to face. Finally, Sharon admits she’s not in Madison and never went.

She sensed the intervention coming and left town. Sharon assures her she won’t do anything to herself but she can’t live under the microscope.


Mariah is sorry if they’ve put pressure on her but it’s because they love her. Her mom gets it but can’t take it anymore.

Mariah thinks they can work through this as a family but says there’s no way to do that right now.


She announces she’s going off the grid for awhile, maybe to Sedona and tells her not to try to track her down.

She’ll only heal if they give her space and will reach out when she’s ready.


When she hangs up, Sharon is practically weeping. Cameron says that needed to be done.

She feels bad and accuses him of having no feelings. He reminds her he’s not real.

This was a smart move. She doesn’t need Nick and the girls breathing down her neck. They will forgive all.

But right now, they need to focus and get to work.


Mariah calls Nick and tells him that she’s scared. Sharon lied to them all about going to Madison and is planning to disappear.


Next week on Y&R!

“Did she say anything about needing to away, like going to clear her head on a trip or something?” Nick asks.


“Why? Do you guys not know where Sharon is?” Daniel asks.


“Daniel was hurt. He was bleeding in my nightmare,” Sharon tells Cameron.


“And only you can make your dreams come true,” he tells her.


“How did this happen? How am I ever going to get out of this?” Sharon asks in the woods at night.


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