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Y&R Recap: After Sharon poisons Daniel’s whiskey, Heather walks in and catches her just as she tries to make her escape.

Wednesday September 24, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Sharon begins to have second thoughts about her actions, while Faith and Nick anxiously wait for updates from her. Meanwhile, Phyllis shares the […]

Wednesday September 24, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Sharon begins to have second thoughts about her actions, while Faith and Nick anxiously wait for updates from her.

Meanwhile, Phyllis shares the news with her kids about her exciting new job.

Tuesday’s recap: A vengeful Sharon sneaks into Daniel’s place with a plan to poison his whiskey!

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 25. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Summer and Phyllis meet up with Daniel at Society, where Phyllis expresses her optimism, assuring them that things will soon turn around for all of them.


Phyllis orders a bottle of the finest champagne, leaving her kids to wonder if they should be worried about how overly happy she seems.

Throwing her arms wide in excitement, Phyllis gushes about all the love in her life.


They wonder what’s going on. Phyllis changes the topic.

Daniel brings up Heather wanting to move. Summer tries to stifle a laugh as her mom starts to lose it over Sharon and her constant drama.

When Phyllis starts threatening to put Sharon in a headlock, her daughter begs her to stop.

The kids admit they were just winding her up. Phyllis says that wasn’t nice.


She asks her son to trust her to deal with Sharon. Her son explains Sharon apologized and he thinks they can be civil.

Phyllis complains about the “mouse people who live in a box” and believe in having boundaries while she “loves big.”


Summer is glad her brother is sticking around because her mom is harder to deal with alone.

They talk about Harrison’s first day of school and how much Summer wishes Marchetti had a kids line so she could put him in the campaign.


Phyllis announces that she’s a “red hot corporate queen” and the new COO of Abbott Chancellor.

The kids aren’t that excited. Summer wonders if that’s the right fit with her given her history with Billy.

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Her mom knows they messed up in the past professionally and otherwise, but that just means they know each other well.


They don’t want to see her get hurt but she’s sure it will be great. Everyone expects them to mess up and that will push them to be great.

She’s so excited for the future and begs them to be excited to. They toast to her taking the world by storm.


Phyllis adds she’s working on getting her son hired and things are wide open for someone like him.

She starts calling for dessert but he needs to pick his daughter up from community service.

Once he’s gone, they have dessert and Phyllis goes on about how she “is fire.”


She takes her hits and goes harder. She likes to think her daughter is strong and determined because of her.

She’s sure everything good in Daniel’s life has been because of her too because she’s a mom and that’s what they do.


Daniel picks his daughter up at the GCAC. He has ice cream for her and asks how the community service was.


They are happy they talked her mom out of leaving town. Daniel says it’s like they could be starting a new chapter in town.

She wonders why he doesn’t seem excited.

She’s surprised when he explains that Sharon apologized to him. She hopes this means that Faith is coming around too.

He urges her to leave that alone for now. He can see nothing but good things ahead.


Nick goes to Sharon’s and calls for her but only Faith is there. She hasn’t heard anything from her mom. She’s trying not to be terrified.


“This is so not right,” she says. He knows it’s scary but they need to trust her mom and believe she’s doing what she has to do.


She stands and stares at the door. Her dad points out that won’t help.

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Faith explains she was at the park and Adam saw her crying. She asked him for help and hopes that wasn’t the wrong this to do.


Nick says he and his brother are in a good place these days and Adam helped her mom back in the day.

Faith said his brother thinks that if anyone can help Sharon, it’s Nick.

Mariah and Tessa arrive. They haven’t heard from Sharon either. They all hope Sharon is just sleeping somewhere.


When Faith goes off to get them drinks, Mariah tells Nick not to be so hard on himself. That’s hard for him to do.

Mariah suggests her mom is just taking time for herself. Nick points out she hasn’t been herself and it’s getting wors.


Sharon sneaks around Daniel’s place and pulls out his whiskey and her poison. Cameron urges her to do it.


She thinks it’s wrong but he says it’s all they’ve worked for. Once she pours the poison into the bottle, her future can begin.

She will have taken control, acting to make herself happy. That power will bring her peace. It’s close enough to touch.

Sharon looks at the bottle. As she picks up the poison, she doubts doing this. He urges her to remember she can go back to who she was.


Daniel should have died and it’s time to balance the scales.

Sharon points out that Heather or Lucy could drink the whiskey. He tells her not to worry about the collateral damage.

Shaking her head, she says there could be so many repercussions. Cameron reminds her she’s doing this for her beautiful little girl.


She begs him to stop and he rubs his how raw the loss is. That’s all still inside of her. They know she lost part of her soul. This is her chance to get it back and lay her daughter to rest in peace.

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He nods as she drops poison into the bottle and then puts it back in the liquor cabinet.


Cameron reminds her to get out of there before someone returns.


As she heads for the door, she sees a family photo and flashes back to Daniel apologizing to her.


Cameron tells her to go and says that Daniel’s apology was nothing. His life has been a waste and Cassie’s was lost.

Sharon is having second thoughts but he says this is what needs to be.

She imagines Daniel dead on the floor and his family walking in and finding him, screaming in horror.


Sharon and Cameron argue as she refuses to take Daniel away from his family. It would make her worse than him.

When she grabs the bottle, he reminds her they have been through all of this and it’s justice.


She says that this will not bring her little girl back. Cassie would be ashamed of her.

As she tries to get rid of the bottle, she knocks over some glasses which smash on the floor.


Once she has emptied the bottle, she starts clearing up the glass. Cameron tells her she’s being a coward and reminds her how close she is to having happiness again.


He says that when he’s gone, the same thoughts will remain. She insists she will be fine without him. He’s brought out the worst in her.

He insists he’s only given her the courage to get what she wants. She tells him to go away and puts the glass in the trash.


When Sharon finally opens the door to leave, she leaps back because Heather is standing there.


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