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Y&R Recap: Faced with Heather, Sharon loses consciousness, ki.lls her, and disposes of her body.

Thursday September 26, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Heather confronts Sharon, causing her to black out, after which she disposes of the body. Wednesday’s recap: After Sharon poisons Daniel’s whiskey, Heather […]

Thursday September 26, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Heather confronts Sharon, causing her to black out, after which she disposes of the body.

Wednesday’s recap: After Sharon poisons Daniel’s whiskey, Heather walks in and catches her just as she tries to make her escape.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 26. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

On a bridge at night, Sharon gazes down at the water, tosses her gloves into the back of her vehicle, and then drives away.


Three hours earlier, Heather finds Sharon in her apartment. Sharon insists she was waiting for Daniel, but the lawyer suspects she’s not telling the truth.


Sharon repeats the lie and Heather points out he was having dinner with his mom. She asks how she got in.

Sharon tries to leave but Heather bars her way and asks what she’s doing in her apartment.


As they walk the room, Sharon claims that she thought there were things to discuss and she called Daniel, who gave the super permission to let her in.

Heather knows that none of this is true because she just talked to him and he said nothing about this.

When she threatens to call Daniel, Sharon admits she made this up and picked the lock. She needed to talk to Daniel in person.


She was going to ask him to leave town and reminds her that she suggested leaving town herself.

Tearing up, Sharon tells her she doesn’t know what it’s like to have to keep reliving the night Daniel killed her baby girl.


Heather reminds her that Cassie was driving and it was a tragic, stupid decision made by kids.

She knows Sharon doesn’t think Daniel has suffered enough, but he suffers every day. That will have to be enough.

Would his dying satisfy her, because they both know it wouldn’t bring Cassie back.

See also  Y&R Recap: Sharon decides she wants Daniel dea.d, while Phyllis urges Nick to have Sharon committed.


Sharon rails that Daniel is everywhere she looks and it tears her apart. Why can’t they go live somewhere else?

Heather has pushed for it mostly because she’s sick of her lashing out at her daughter. But they chose to stay.

She feels sorry for her. She needs professional help so she’ll stop terrorizing her family.

She’s sure that she doesn’t have an ounce of remorse and has no idea what this is. But her rage and vindictiveness scare her.


She thinks that Sharon has been hiding something far more sinister. Spotting some broken glass, she asks if she did that.

“It must have been that way before I got here,” Sharon claims.

Holding a shard of glass, Heather says it wasn’t there before and asks again how it got there.

Sharon repeats she has no idea. Heather asks again why she’s there.

Sharon claims she doesn’t need to listen to this. Heather won’t let her leave, sure something strange is going on there.

“Now who is talkin’ crazy?” Sharon asks. Heather threatens to call the cops and Sharon accuses her of jumping to conclusions based on nothing.


Exhausted, Heather asks her to tell her truth. Sharon won’t say anymore’

When Heather tries to make the call, Sharon knocks the phone from her hands. The lawyer thinks she’s sick and suggests they call Nick.


Sharon starts screaming and begs her not to call Nick. Agreeing not to call him, Heather still thinks she should call the authorities.

She can only guess that she came there to cause harm and she needs to protect her family.

As Heather reaches for her phone, Sharon rushes to the door. Heather chases her and Sharon throws her down on the floor.


“You are out of your mind,” Heather gasps.

Sharon blacks out. She wakes up and Heather is still on the floor. When she asks what happened, Cameron says she can’t hear her.

See also  Y&R Recap: A vengeful Sharon sneaks into Daniel’s place with a plan to poison his whiskey!


“Wake up,” Sharon keeps repeating before noticing that Heather’s head is covered in blood.

There’s no pulse. As she screams, she considers calling an ambulance. Cameron tells her that’s not a great idea.


He urges her to calm down and reminds her this isn’t the first time she’s killed someone.

She checks for a pulse again. He says she’s dead and she’s the one who did.

Sharon cries about how bad she feels and wonders what’s the matter with her.


“That a whole other conversation,” he says, urging her to clean up this mess. This isn’t her first time getting rid of a body.

She refuses to do this but he points out that she’s been seen harassing Heather and her family.

He reminds her that she came there to poison Daniel. The evidence is still there and the cops will put it together.


She says she can’t remember and blacked out. He says she’ll have to do better. Heather was right. She was out of her mind.

Sobbing, Sharon asks what to do. “You cowboy the hell up,” he says, ordering her to get to work.


She gets some sheets and Daniel starts calling Heather’s phone.


Sharon leaves it on the phone and wraps Heather up, nearly puking at the sight of all the blood soaking through.


Cameron barks at her to pull herself together. Once she has her wrapped in blankets, he reminds her that people will be looking for her, like Nick.

She wonders why he keeps bringing Nick up and he taunts her that Nick just pities her.

Sharon wipes up the blood on the floor and grabs Heather’s keys before dragging her body into the hall, leaving a trail of blood.


Sharon keeps cleaning.

She drags the corpse down the stairwell and dumps her into the back of her car.

See also  Young and the Restless: Summer is determined not to let Claire have Kyle.


It’s silent.

Sharon goes back to the apartment and finds more glass on the floor. She empties the trash and grabs Heather’s purse, phone, and the whiskey bottle before exiting.


Sharon gets into her vehicle and Cameron makes her confirm that she left nothing behind.


He’s impressed that she’s been thinking on her feet. They just have one more stop and then she can go home.

They drive out to the bridge. She pulls the stiffening corpse out.


Before dumping her over the edge, says prays, “Please forgive me.”


Climbing back in the vehicle, she weeps and screams.


Sharon returns to the motel room and cries, “What have I done?”


Cameron says he understands how she feels. Even monsters have their dark nights of the soul.

She says he never had a soul. He says she needs to accept what she did.


Sharon doesn’t think she can. He urges her to focus on their similarities, not differences.

Cameron suggests she pretend like nothing happened. She’ll have some bad nights but she needs to find a way to hide that.

Her private hell needs to stay that way and she has to carry on. If the body is never found, who is to say what happened?

He’s sure she can come up with a cover story for the police tomorrow. Tonight, she can grieve for herself.


Sharon doesn’t know how to live with what’s happened. He says she has to or she loses everything.

Tomorrow, she needs to convince herself that none of this happened.


She’s not sure she can do that.


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