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Y&R Recap: After accusing Victor of corrupting his son, Jack has a heated public confrontation with Diane, while Lucy learns that someone is setting up Daniel.

Thursday October 17, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Chance shares his findings with Summer, Victoria cautions Claire about Victor, and Phyllis tells Daniel that the whole situation seems very strange. Wednesday’s […]

Thursday October 17, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Chance shares his findings with Summer, Victoria cautions Claire about Victor, and Phyllis tells Daniel that the whole situation seems very strange.

Wednesday’s recap: Chance uncovers proof that implicates Daniel, Audra turns on Victor in favor of Jack, and Billy dismisses Phyllis.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on October 17. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Jack and Diane are restless at Crimson Lights. He’s frustrated that she refuses to engage in conversation with him.


She believes Jack should be taking legal action against their son for corporate theft.

Jack insists that their son isn’t a criminal, and the evidence is flimsy.

Diane accuses Jack of stalling and suggests he’s unwilling to face the reality that his relationship with their son is done.

She argues that their son has moved on, and they should follow suit.


Jack thinks that Victor is to blame. She points out their son has been trying to make them pay.


She’s tired of tiptoeing around this and it’s time that their son pay for what he’s done.


Diane storms out. Jack follows.

Claire, Cole, and Victoria have been watching them from the patio.

Claire explains that Kyle is a very angry and vindictive person at work, especially to his parents.


Her parents worry that Jack and Diane have been unloading on her. She assures them she hasn’t but she’s talked to Jack about his son.

Her mom urges her not to be involved in the family drama.

That’s hard for Claire since she’s in the middle of it.


Her dad is glad that she cares but she should let them handle this on their own.

Claire thinks they’re probably right. She adds that Victor has played a role in all this.


Her mom says that’s a good reason to stay far away from this. Victor can be very ruthless. That usually balances out, but not when Jack is involved.

See also  The Young and the Restless: Victor's shocking CEO showdown with Kyle and Audra is set to unfold!

Her daughter is confused about her grandfather.

Victoria explains that he didn’t become one of the world’s most powerful men by being a Boy Scout. But he does love his family. You just have to separate the two sides of him.

Cole tells her that the same is likely true to Kyle, only he’s not family.


Claire is sure that people can change. She has and she’s sure she can help Kyle.

They aren’t suggesting he can’t change but urge her to take care of her heart.

Thanking them, she exits to meet Kyle.


Victoria can’t understand why her father keeps doing things like this.


At the jazz lounge, Kyle tells Victor what a great success the product launch has been.

This has been a vindication of his judgement and why Audra needed to go.


Victor warns that Jack won’t let how they acquired the wonder project go.

Kyle assures him he’s not being cocky and there’s no way to prove this was theft.


The Newman is glad to hear that but warns his parents still won’t take this lying down.


Later, Jack goes to the lounge and confronts Victor for “corrupting” his son.


Victor thinks he’s delusional and this is “conspiracy nonsense.” Jack accuses him of sticking the knife in.

He assumes this is all about paying him back for trying to help Nikki.

They get in each other’s faces and Victor urges him to hit him.


Victor says wat happened with Nikki was a “night of debauchery” and Jack accuses him of scraping the bottom to pay him back.


Jack storms out.

When Kyle goes to the GCAC and orders a drink, his mother comes in and sarcastically congratulates him on his latest success.


She can’t believe how low he is sinking. He thought hitting new lows was part of her MO.

She knows they have failed him and he’s failed them as a son. He says that means there’s no point in trying again.

See also  Young and the Restless Spoilers: Adam and Audra team up, and their plotting against Victor sparks an unexpected romance.


They tear into each other and she says his father might be holding back but she’s willing to go to the police.

Jack watches as Kyle accuses Diane of caring more about her title than her son.


He interrupts and declares this has gone too far.

Diane assumes he’s defending her but the opposite is true.


Victor watches as Jack and Diane make a scene.


She accuses Jack of coddling their brat son. He’s a poor imitation of the boy she raised and she’s not sure she wants him in her life.

Claire joins her smiling grandfather and watches as Jack reminds Diane that she walked out of their son.


She thinks he’s being mean and he thinks she’s a raving narcissist.

Cole and Victor join the audience as Jack and Diane continue to rip each other apart.


He reminds her that she abandoned their son and played the loving mother until she got what she wanted.


He blames himself for not seeing she’s a desperate opportunist. Diane storms out.

Kyle is in shock. Claire rushes to his side.


Chance joins Summer at Society and tells her that he found some disturbing evidence in her brother’s apartment.


Off the record, he explains that there is evidence that could make her brother look guilty.

He wonders if Lucy could have hid evidence. She doesn’t think so.

It makes no sense to her that someone who deliberately incriminate themselves.


Phyllis joins her son in the park. Daniel feels like he’s losing his mind. Nothing makes sense anymore.


He and Lucy have had to move into the club while the cops search the apartment.

They sit and she explains the evidence that Chance found and the incriminating text on her phone.


It’s like he’s living in an alternative universe. His mom says something is clearly wrong.

She starts telling him to eat.

See also  Y&R Recap: Sharon decides she wants Daniel dea.d, while Phyllis urges Nick to have Sharon committed.

He babbles. When he mentions Sharon, she gets more concerned. Her son explains that Sharon was at the apartment and she told Chance that he and Heather had a huge fight.


Phyllis doesn’t trust anything that’s been going on in that woman’s mind. It doesn’t make any sense that Heather would open up to the woman who has been ruining her life.

“This is very, very odd,” says Phyllis.


Summer shows up and hugs ehr brother. He walks off to call Lucy.


Phyllis fills her daughter in and the allegations that Sharon made.

Her daughter thinks this is a nightmare.

Phyllis has no idea how far Sharon would take things. She’s been on the fringe so long…


Chance is the only hope they have so they hope he knows this. If anyone else was on the case, Daniel would already be locked up.

After Summer takes off, Daniel returns. He’s spoken to his daughter but she’s just numb and confused.

He doesn’t know how to tell her what the cops have found.


Lucy arrives. They inform her that the police have found evidence that could be incriminating.


Phyllis says it looks like someone is trying to frame Daniel.

Summer returns to Society to see Chance. She says that her brother couldn’t have killed Heather.


It’s all too easy. He explains that the blood analysis shows that it was Heather’s.

She needs to know what that means. He says the amount of blood indicates a serious wound. She might have died in that apartment and there’s no sign of a break-in.

He’d give anything for a different explanation, but if he were Daniel, he’d get a lawyer.


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