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Y&R Recap: Phyllis tries to secure a job from Billy, but Nick warns her against it. Meanwhile, Audra confronts Kyle harshly, and Kyle shares a kiss with Claire.

Friday September 13, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Audra and Nate vent about Victor, who exacerbates tensions between Kyle and Diane. Meanwhile, Victor provokes Billy further. Thursday’s recap: Billy ends his […]

Friday September 13, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Audra and Nate vent about Victor, who exacerbates tensions between Kyle and Diane. Meanwhile, Victor provokes Billy further.

Thursday’s recap: Billy ends his relationship with Chelsea, Victor deceives Lily and confronts Audra, while Cole and Victoria end the night together.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 13. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Victor encounters Billy at the GCAC, remarks that he’s been thinking about him, and expresses his assumption that Billy’s latest business venture is destined to fail.


Billy jokes that he’s not quite a psychic yet but insists he’ll prove Victor wrong soon.

Victor chuckles, claims he’s never wrong about Billy, and adds, “Enjoy your damn French fries. Don’t choke on them,” before walking away.


Phyllis arrives, impressed by watchin Billy go toe to toe with Victor and offers to buy him a drink.


Once they get the drink in, they chat about how much they fight with Victor.

He fills her in on how irked the Newman is about Abbott Chancellor. She asks him about the rumors concerning Lily and Chance being ditched.

Billy says it was for the best. Phyllis is sure it will be tough to find a replacement.


He didn’t thinks she’d be so brazen about angling for a job. She claims that hadn’t occurred to her until this moment and brags about how qualified she is.

Phyllis says it’s a no brainer that they work together. Billy tells her he has a brain.


When he asks her to pitch herself, she says she’s creative and innovative, and a self-made prodigy in the tech world. Plus, they know each other and work well together.

He reminds her that she quit her last job. She reminds him that was done in solidarity with her son.

Sensing this isn’t going well, she offers to go. To her surprise, he asks her not to.

Phyllis tells him about how he needs to update his technology and security. They need an AI division.


Billy decides bringing her on board might not be so crazy.

He admits that something is going on at the company that might change her mind. They may be under attack from Victor.

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Billy says the Newman feels like Katherine’s legacy is being threatened and he’s been pushing Lily’s buttons.

Phyllis loves a challenge and it doesn’t get really than going up against Victor. She has no problem fighting dirty.


Nick arrives and sees them together.

Phyllis urges Billy to hire Daniel back. Lily fired him for personal reasons.


He can see the advantage but hiring her too is another matter. Telling her they will talk again, he walks off.

Nick comes over and hopes that he didn’t just see her trying to angle herself into the company.


She claims she’s only trying to get her son is his job back. He urges her not to trust Billy.

She says she would rather work with the devil she knows than some rando.


Sitting down, he warns that Billy’s days at Abbott Chancellor are numbered.

She needs specifics but he won’t explain. He just doesn’t want to see her caught in the fallout.

She thinks it’s sweet that he’s looking out for her, but she’s not Sharon and can fight her own battles.


Audra curses Kyle at Crimson Lights and calls the office, trying to track him down.


At Society, Claire asks Jack and Diane is she and Kyle can join them. Gritting his teeth, Kyle agrees to this.


They talk about Harrison and how much he enjoys school. Diane remember when Kyle was his age and trusting and open like Harrison.


Kyle says that’s just growing up and getting realistic. Claire tries to put a more positive spin on this.

He gets a texts and Jack notices Audra outside. Kyle steps out.

Audra rips into him about going to Victor about telling Nate that he’s the secret investor.


Kyle says that’s on her and he hopes she didn’t take responsibility when Victor confronted her.

She may not have been fired, but she royally screwed up.

When he goes back inside, he tells Claire they should get takeout and go.


Diane starts bickering with her son and she wishes they could have a long overdue conversation.

Kyle agrees to talk, but not there.

She and her son step outside.

Claire tells Jack she doesn’t know much about Diane and the Abbotts.

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He tells her he adores his wife. She’s testament to how much a person can change. He also knows how hard it is to be abandoned by your mother.


His mom returned years later and it was hard to make sense of. With time and patience, they found forgiveness.

He can see how much rage his son has but knows he can overcome it.

Jack just hopes that Diane and their son can makes things okay.

He tells her that having her around so much has made her feel like family.


She tells him how seeing a family has to work at staying a family is new to her. She has no idea how to work in that dynamic.

Jack thinks she’s doing very well and grateful for her calming effect on Harrison and Kyle.


Diane and Kyle go to the park. She tells him they were a team when he was a kid and then she made horrible mistakes.


She asks if he is still resenting her and trying to get away. The distance between them is getting too wide.

He accuses her of making this all about her. He’s moving out to build his own family and breathe.


Kyle complains that she is constantly looking for reassurance and going on about her feelings.

She doesn’t know if he’s lying to her or himself about everything that happened at the office.


She doesn’t want to push him away but all they do is argue. His anger is so oversized, she wonders if they need therapy.

Victor arrives and eavesdrops as Kyle complains that spending more time with her sounds like hell.

Victor interrupts and tells Diane that her son is right and she needs to back off.


She says this is none of his business and accuses him of using her son. Kyle says no one is using him.

Diane storms off. Kyle appreciates Victor’s support but doesn’t need it.


His boss tells him to live his life as he sees fit and walks off.


When Diane gets home, she tells Jack how badly things went and how Victor strolled into the middle of it.


They are sure that their son can only listen to Victor’s poison now that his career is in his hands.

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She worries their son will just slip further and further away. She doesn’t know what to do anymore.


Claire finds Kyle sitting in the park. He wonders if she’s disappointed in him.


She knows he can’t fix things with his parents in a day.

Looking in her eyes, he tells her she makes everything easier.


She urges him to let it all go. He says she makes him want to try. They kiss.


Audra runs into Crimson Lights and starts ranting about Kyle to Nate.


She tells him that Kyle outed her to Victor and she was called out about it.

She defended who she trusts to Victor but now her position is in danger. She doesn’t know how she missed this coming.

Nate offers to enlighten her and fills her in on how cunning and ruthless Victor is. He lives in a world with rules of its own and he will throw her under the bus in a heartbeat.


Sparring with him can have dangerous repercussions.

This all sound ominous to her. He’s speaking from experience.

The Newmans have a way of turning you into someone you don’t want to be.

She points out that her situation is different from his since she’s not dating his daughter.


She doesn’t want to give Kyle the satisfaction of jumping ship. Nate has every confidence she can make this work and tells her what a fiery mastermind she is.

They go to her room and hits the sheets.


Next week on Y&R!

“I am Abbott Chancellor’s new COO,” Phyllis announces.


Lily’s jaw drops, “Wow!”


“You and Sally have been great together… but you and mom, what you had was something more,” Connor tells Adam as Chelsea arrives.


“What you were suggesting is revulsive,” Sharon tells Cameron.


“It’s not my idea. It’s all yours,” he reminds her.


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