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Y&R Recap: Phyllis announces that the chaos must stop after Sharon goes off on her and Lucy, while Heather suggests to Daniel that they should leave town.

Tuesday September 10, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Adam pleads with Sally for another chance, Connor blames himself for his parents’ relationship problems, and Lucy erupts at Daniel. Monday’s recap: Chance […]

Tuesday September 10, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Adam pleads with Sally for another chance, Connor blames himself for his parents’ relationship problems, and Lucy erupts at Daniel.

Monday’s recap: Chance resigns, Lily seeks reassurances from Victor, and Billy wraps up a major deal and begins to gloat.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 10. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Chelsea and Connor are having breakfast at Society, discussing his recent OCD therapy session.


He notices Chelsea is distracted by her phone and asks if everything is okay with Billy.

Chelsea reassures him not to worry about Billy, who has just started a new job.

Connor mentions that Billy hasn’t been around or even sent him any of the usual silly memes.


Sighing, she admits that she and Billy are taking a little break.

Her son asks why. She says adults take breaks for all kinds of reasons not connected to him.

She claims that she and Billy are too buys for a relationship right now.


Her son can see she’s sad. Chelsea says she misses him but doesn’t need him.

Connor thinks they would still be together if not for his OCD.


At the GCAC, Nick asks Adam if he’s okay. He can tell something is bothering and asks if he can help.


They spot Sally. Adam chases after her and says they need to talk.

Phyllis arrives and tells Nick that whatever seems to be going on between Adam and Sally seems hotter than hell.

Sally tells Adam they don’t need to talk. She’s made her choice. It’s clear to her that she doesn’t want to be part of his complicated history with Chelsea.


Adam begs her to let him do the fighting and asks if they can go somewhere to discuss this.


Back at a table Phyllis continues trying to read Adam and Sally’s body language. Nick doesn’t care.


She starts accusing Nick of loving to rescue women. He rolls his eyes. She doesn’t see what’s alluring about it.

They always leave him.


Adam and Sally go to the park. She thinks this is a mistake and he tries to explain himself.


He insists he only loves Chelsea as the mom of his son. That’s nothing like what they have.

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What they have has the potential to last a lifetime. What he has with Chelsea can’t touch that.

He reminds them of how they have always been drawn back to each other.


She points out his love for Chelsea hasn’t gone away either. Sally doesn’t think he can control his impulses.

She can’t live with that and she can’t believe he won’t fall into bed with Chelsea again.

“I deserve better,” she says.


He begs her for the chance to give her what she deserves. She refuses to compete with whatever is going on between them.

Spectra can see that Chelsea can see a good in him that only she thought she knew was there.

Between that and their connection through Connor, she needs to walk away.


Sally doesn’t question that he loves her but she deserves respect and what he has with Chelsea won’t go away.

Part of her is glad he has someone who sees him the way she did. He gets a text from Chelsea and sally runs off.


At Crimson Lights, Sharon and Mariah talk about work. Her daughter makes her promise to take some time to rest.


Mariah notices she’s distracted and forgetful.

Lucy and Daniel arrive on the patio. She doesn’t want to go in because she’s afraid of seeing Sharon.


He says the coast is clear and sends her in while he grabs something from his car.

As soon as she walks in, she bumps into Sharon and freezes. She starts apologizing.


She explains that she’s looking into community service and writing her letter. She asks to meet with Faith to apologize.


Daniel returns and tries to lead his daughter out. Lucy begs for the chance to apologize to Faith again.


Sharon tells Lucy her desperation to be Faith’s friend is suffocating and she wants no contact with her.


Lucy refuses to believe this and accuses her of trying to stop them from being friends because of Cassie.

Sharon’s jaw drops. She insists this is about Faith but says she will do whatever it takes to keep her daughter alive.

As she gets shrill, Nick arrives. Sharon begins screaming that Lucy is throwing the worst memory of her life in her face.

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Lucy runs out. Daniel reminds Sharon she’s just a kid and runs after her.

Nick asks what just happened.

She explains that Lucy invoked Cassie and that was step too far. She thinks that Lucy is toxic and she won’t let her get away with it.


Nick can see that but he doesn’t think public outbursts are helping. He points out that Lucy has been punished.

Sharon feels like she’s being attacked when Lucy is the problem.

She thinks that he should be backing her up completely and she shouldn’t have to defend herself. She storms out.


Nick calls Mariah over.

When she arrives, he asks about Lucy and Faith.


He’s starting to worry about how much Sharon is harping on Lucy. Mariah agrees and even Faith can see that Sharon is turning Lucy into a villain.


Nick guesses that Sharon isn’t getting better. They talk about catching her talking to herself and her nightmares.

He’s concerned that Sharon may not be taking her meds at all. If they could figure this out, it would explain a lot. She agrees to check on Sharon’s meds.


When Daniel takes Lucy home, he says they need to talk. He admits that Sharon was out of line but so was she with bringing up Cassie.


Lucy complains that he and Sharon are keeping him away from the only friend she has.


His selfish decisions in the past are ruining her life just like they always have.

He says she’s hitting below the belt. She’s sorry but frustrated and knows she’s made mistakes too.

He’ll admit that no one is getting past what happened to Cassie and that’s playing a role in all this.


Daniel is starting to wonder if they should all get out of town.

She accuses him of running away and not wanting to be embarrassed. Why are they making her miserable?

Lucy insists that Faith likes her and they are friends. She accuses her father of not accepting anyone would like her for her.


Heather joins Phyllis at the GCAC and they talk about the situation with Lucy.

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Heather admits it’s frustrating. Phyllis says it will take time and she will grow out of it.

Sharon stalks over to them and wonders why she has to relentless relive the trauma their family has put her through.


She vents about Lucy accosting her and needing serious boundaries.

Heather doesn’t want her advice. Phyllis wakes in and Heather takes off as Sharon barks at her to talk to her daughter.


Phyllis can’t believe that Sharon is coming after he family. She’s going to let it slide because she’s not herself.


“What does that mean?” Sharon yells. Phyllis tries to escape but Sharon won’t let her.

She calls Phyllis a “bulldozer” and suggests that Lucy is just a mini her who will take down innocent people too.

She orders her to get her family to back down and walks out.


Phyllis says the craziness needs to stop.

When Heather gets home, Daniel and Lucy are still arguing. They send their daughter to her room.


“Dude!” Daniel complains. She tells him about her run-in with Sharon.

Things are deteriorating fast. Running away for a week might not be enough.

It might be time to call a new town home.


Adam joins Chelsea and his son at Society. Connor explains that he’s ruined his mom’s relationship with Billy but Chelsea insists it has nothing to do with him.


Connor has guessed that Adam and Sally have also split so he assumes this must be about him.

Using soccer analogies, Adam explains that what’s happening is not his responsibility.


Connor gets it but thinks they talk to him like he’s dumb. He leaves to wash his hands.


Adam says they need to out an end to this before is spirals and their son’s symptoms come back.

This is all Billy’s fault and he has to fix it.


Back in the park, Sally calls Billy and asks him to call her back. Then she cries.


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