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Y&R Recap: Sharon decides she wants Daniel dea.d, while Phyllis urges Nick to have Sharon committed.

Wednesday September 11, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Phyllis tells Nick that Sharon needs to be committed, Faith tells Lucy that their friendship is over, and Daniel advises his mom to […]

Wednesday September 11, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Phyllis tells Nick that Sharon needs to be committed, Faith tells Lucy that their friendship is over, and Daniel advises his mom to stay out of the conflict.

Tuesday’s recap: Phyllis announces that the chaos must stop after Sharon goes off on her and Lucy, while Heather suggests to Daniel that they should leave town.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 11. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At Crimson Lights, Mariah confides in Nick that checking her mom’s medications feels wrong, but she acknowledges that they need to uncover the truth.


He assumes the house is empty, so she decides to rush over, hoping they’re mistaken.

As soon as she leaves, Phyllis arrives and begins venting about Sharon’s out-of-control behavior.


She fills him in on Sharon trashing Heather at the GCAC and Daniel.

Heather kept her cool and left and Phyllis says she showed restraint.

Nick is relieved about that. She says something needs to be done about Sharon.


He explains they are trying to sort this out and she doesn’t need to worry. Phyllis is still concerned.

He fills her in about the blow-up between Lucy and Sharon. It was unfortunate and Sharon crossed a line.

Phyllis thinks this is moving beyond the talking phase. It’s time to consider checking Sharon into Fairview.


She can understand what a tragedy losing Cassie was… but that was some time ago and this needs to stop. The doctors should have worked out her meds by now.

She thinks that Sharon is getting venomous and scary. If he doesn’t do something about this, she will.


Phyllis storms out.

Mariah goes to Sharon’s. She makes sure no one is home and starts to snoop when Sharon shows up, confused about why she’s there.


Mariah claims she just came by to pick up a necklace from Faith.

When Sharon goes to the kitchen, Mariah keeps searching and only finds ibuprofen.


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Sharon returns and apologizes for being on edge. She starts complaining about being accosted by “that brat” and then Phyllis and Heather.

It’s like she can’t get away from that family and their excuses. Mariah suggests they have lunch and talk.


Sharon thinks that’s sweet but wants a nap.

Mariah notices the teddy bear. Sharon grabs it and claims it’s Faith’s.

Once Mariah is gone, Sharon gets on the couch to nap.

Cameron appears and tells her that was nicely done. He notices she isn’t chasing him away anymore.


He tells her how close she is to getting the closure she’s been looking for. It will be an end to her pain and the beginning of the life she deserves.

He promises she will be whole again and she smiles.


She sleeps until Nick appears, kissing her awake. They begin making out.


He tells her their old spark is still there and he wants to take her upstairs and prove it. Unfortunately, Cassie will likely show up to prevent it.


“You mean, Mariah?” she asks. Cassie walks in.


Throwing her arms around her, Sharon says she’s all grown up and she wants to know all about what’s happening in her life.

Cassie is a vet and dating a baseball pitcher. She goes on about how perfect and adorable her parents’ marriage is.


They remind her they are going to a concert at the Daniel Romalotti Memorial Pavilion.

Nick tells her that Daniel died in a car crash. Cassie almost went to that party and was devastated when he di.ed.


Sharon says that’s sad but she’s glad Cassie is okay. They disappear. She starts calling for them.

Sharon wakes up and tells Cameron her dream.


He explains that the dream was all she ever wanted and had until Daniel ruined it.

“My life would have been so different and so much better if Cassie and Daniel hadn’t crossed paths that night…Daniel should have died,” she says.


At home, Daniel stares at his phone and then calls Lucy out.

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When she eventually emerges, he demands her phone. He checks it and sees it’s on airplane mode so she can’t be tracked.

He needs to leave her home alone and asks her to confirm she will stay put. He suggests she finish her apology letter and exits.


As soon as he’s gone, she calls Faith and tells her things have gotten weird. They need to talk before they get worse.


Faith thinks this is a bad idea and they shouldn’t see each other.

Lucy says nothing bad actually happened. Faith tells her they were lucky to walk away.


Lucy begs her to meet and talk. This is the last favor she will ever ask.


When faith arrives, Lucy assures ehr that she is following all the rules of being grounded.

Faith guesses her visit is against the rules.


Lucy complains she’s being treated like a criminal. She basically has no life and it’s not enough for Sharon.

Lucy tells her that Sharon thinks she’s desperate and needy and doesn’t want to be her friend. She was hoping she could talk her into backing off.

Faith is sorry she’s upset, but she says her mom is right. “You are the one that needs to let go,” Faith tells her.


Faith points out they have nothing in common. Lucy thinks they need a chance but Faith points out she keeps drinking whenever rejected.


Faith wants her to be happy but she needs to talk to someone… like a professional.

Lucy doesn’t understands. Faith says she knows that she’s kind and needs figure some things out.

Lucy is sure that Sharon has gotten to her but Faith insists this is all her.


“I never meant to hurt you,” she adds. Lucy tells her to go.

On her way out, Faith tells her she will find friends at school and asks her not to hit up the liquor cabinet.


Lucy pouts.

Faith joins her father at Crimson Lights and tells him that she made it clear to Lucy that they will never be friends and she should see a professional.

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It wasn’t easy. Her dad tells her that her mom is worried she’s been hiding her feelings.

Faith hasn’t been. Nick suspects Sharon is projecting.


They talk about Sharon lashing out and wonder what to do. He hopes that Mariah will be back with some answers.

Mariah arrives and says that she searched to check Sharon’s pills. She’s been taking the ones in her medicine cabinet.


Nick doesn’t know what to think. Something isn’t right.

He doesn’t think they have weeks to figure this out.


Phyllis joins summer for lunch at the GCAC and immediately starts railing about Sharon attacking Lucy.


She’s been making scenes all over town. She’s determined to protect her kids and grandbaby.

Sharon is out of control and they know how extreme she can get.


They recall Sharon switching Summer’s paternity test. It was her bipolar disorder that did that.


Phyllis isn’t forgetting it and says Sharon is not very balanced right now.

Daniel joins them and he begs his mom not to engage with Sharon.


His mother isn’t taking that on board but he begs her to sit this one out.

He has to get to a job interview. His sister is confident and he takes off.


Summer asks her mom if she will back off. Phyllis says he’s not seeing things straight.

Her daughter suggests she try to find a job.


She fills her mom in on settling a new custody agreement. Sounds good to her mom.

Phyllis is surprised when she informs her that Chance quit his job and Lily is out.

“Wow,” Phyllis says, pondering what’s going to happen at Chancellor.


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