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He Was Shivering Uncontrollably in the Rain

Upon discovering Tom tied up in a wall, my heart shattered into pieces. He was shivering uncontrollably in the rain, alongside another emaciated puppy who appeared to have been abandoned with him. […]

Upon discovering Tom tied up in a wall, my heart shattered into pieces. He was shivering uncontrollably in the rain, alongside another emaciated puppy who appeared to have been abandoned with him. The smallest of the three, they had clearly been starved and left without food for a long time. It was heart-wrenching to see their tiny, innocent eyes and to think that someone could abandon them in such a cruel way.

Although they were of different ages and not from the same mother, all three of them were extremely well-behaved. We suspect that they came from a puppy factory, only to be discarded without a second thought. Tom, in particular, was in a critical state, just a bag of bones, and shivering uncontrollably.

We dried them off and talked to them to calm them down. Tom’s story went viral on our VK page and he was quickly adopted. However, Lak and Rik were still small and needed further care. They couldn’t eat properly, so we provided them with bottle feeding support.

We received more than 25 adoption requests for Rik, but the vet advised that he needed further monitoring before he could be placed in a forever home. We will continue to care for him until he is fully recovered and ready to start his new life with a loving family.
