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Rescuing Barry: A Hero’s Tale

Yesterday, a lady discovered a weak puppy in Bali’s temple area. Aron from Sun & Sage quickly responded to her call and rushed to the scene. When he arrived, the puppy was […]

Yesterday, a lady discovered a weak puppy in Bali’s temple area. Aron from Sun & Sage quickly responded to her call and rushed to the scene. When he arrived, the puppy was too weak to even stand and was extremely defensive. Despite his condition, the puppy tried to scare Aron away with what little energy he had left. His eyes showed exhaustion and terror, but eventually, he let his guard down and allowed Aron to approach him.

Barry, as they named him, was found to have scabies, a fungal skin disease, and parasites. But despite his illnesses, Barry had a good appetite and could eat on his own. The team knew that he had to live with medicine for a few more days, but Barry showed that he was a good boy who wanted to live. He always asked for food and perhaps even a forever home.

The team promised to do their best to start Barry’s new life, and they were especially grateful to Aron, their real hero who had saved Barry’s life.
