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Rescue the Poor Helpless Dog Lying on the Road, Dying

What I found tonight was a helpless puppy lying on the street, barely alive. His condition was critical, and I feared he may not survive the night. But, I hoped and prayed […]

What I found tonight was a helpless puppy lying on the street, barely alive. His condition was critical, and I feared he may not survive the night. But, I hoped and prayed that he would make it through till morning, and we could take him to the vet.

Thankfully, Fighter, as we named him, managed to survive that night. We rushed him to the vet clinic, and he received therapy immediately. He started eating and drinking, but his blood test results were bad. The smell of pus indicated a severe infection that had taken a toll on his health.

Fighter received a medical bath, and we continued to monitor his progress. He ate, drank, pooped, and peed, but his condition was still critical. However, he fought with all his strength and proved to be a true fighter. He battled through the strong infection and struggled to get better each day.

We celebrated each day that Fighter survived and continued to fight. After 4 days of his life, we named him Fighter, and he lived up to his name. On the 5th day, we received negative results for Erlihija, Lishmania, and Heartworm Anaplasm. We saw him after six days, and his eyes were clean, there was no smell, and no pus. He had improved, but we knew it was still early.

The doctor confirmed a demodex issue, but we were relieved that it was the smallest problem. Fighter continued to fight, and we celebrated his 7th day of life. We were thrilled to see that his anemia was improving, and his platelets were increasing. He was getting better day by day, and we couldn’t be prouder of him.

On the 15th day, Fighter left the clinic and started making friends. It was heartwarming to see him relax and enjoy his newfound happiness. We continued to support him, and he gradually started gaining weight, becoming healthier and happier.

Six months later, Fighter got adopted to the UK, and we couldn’t be happier for him. He transformed into a handsome boy and proved to be an inspiration for all of us. His resilience and fighting spirit taught us never to give up and to keep fighting no matter what.

Fighter will always be a reminder of the power of love, hope, and determination. We are proud of you, little boy, and grateful to have been a part of your journey. Thank you for inspiring us to continue and never give up!

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