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Abandoned Mother Dog Lies Shivering Beside Her Newborn Cubs on an Empty Lot in Hunger and Thirst

It was just another day driving home from the office when I saw her lying on the road, her face bloodied, and her body writhing in pain. I pulled over to the […]

It was just another day driving home from the office when I saw her lying on the road, her face bloodied, and her body writhing in pain. I pulled over to the side and saw a small dog wagging her tail at me despite her injuries. It was then that I realized that she needed help. I took her to the vet, and after a thorough examination, it was confirmed that her hip was broken, and her skin was badly infected. The vet also found an injury in her left eye, which, fortunately, would heal with time.

Amy, as I later named her, was in tremendous pain, but she behaved well during the treatment. We had to give her some painkillers to calm her down and clean her wounds with medicine to avoid any infections. Amy never fought back and worked well with the vet, who shaved her old hair off. She cried a bit when the painkillers wore off, but after two days, she got better, and the wounds started healing.

Day 15 was when I realized that Amy had nearly grown her full new skin, and by day 20, she was physically and mentally better. She even started playing with Calmer, another rescue, and had gained weight due to her good appetite. Amy had more energy, but she also began destroying my house. However, leaving her outside with Calmer was a better option, and she started to enjoy her own company. Her hair grew fast, so we had to trim it regularly. She was also smart, learning new things quickly and loved playing fetch.

One of her favorite moments was when we took her to the beach for the first time, and she had a blast, running around and destroying everything in her path. But soon after, she got tired and just sat there, enjoying the sun. Amy had her first Christmas with us, and it was a time of love and happiness. She had become a lovely member of our family, and we were glad to have given her a new lease of life.

Amy’s story is one of hope and resilience, a testament to the unwavering spirit of animals who have suffered and survived. She went from being a helpless, injured dog on the street to a lively, healthy, and happy pet. Amy proved that with love, care, and attention, even the most broken can be mended, and the unloved can become beloved.

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