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Days of our Lives Recap: Gil Crossed A Line So Ava Took Him Out

This paragraph can be paraphrased as: “In a new complication for Harris Michaels to resolve, the November 20, 2023, episode of ‘Days of our Lives’ saw Ava shooting Gil after he made […]

This paragraph can be paraphrased as: “In a new complication for Harris Michaels to resolve, the November 20, 2023, episode of ‘Days of our Lives’ saw Ava shooting Gil after he made inappropriate moves towards her.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Xander and Sarah decided to stop all their bickering, Konstantin hit major pay dirt, and Theresa lied herself out of yet another jam.

Days Of Our Lives - Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) Sarah Horton (Linsey  Godfrey) - Soap Opera Spy

Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Take Charge

At the Brady Pub, Rafe updated Harris on Jada’s condition, then tasked him with finding out who really murdered Li Shin — because he didn’t believe for a moment that his sister stabbed him.

And since Rafe believes in Gabi’s innocence, Harris does too.

But where on Earth to start? After all, Gabi was found standing over the body, murder weapon in hand, and Li named her as his killer.

Li Ends His Marriage to Gabi |

That’s some pretty damning evidence. Of course, Rafe had explanations.

For one, the real assassin could have worn gloves. Gloves = no fingerprints other than Gabi’s.

And, Li had lost so much blood there was no way he even knew what he was saying.

Enter Paulina, who’d been eavesdropping on the men’s conversation.

She wanted the investigation dropped — and if Rafe didn’t comply, she’d get a police commissioner who would.

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A New Year, New DAYS Love For Rafe Hernandez | Soap Hub | NewsBreak Original

As for Harris, there’s a new case that needs his attention.

A drug cartel is setting up shop somewhere in town, and they need to smoke them out.

Opposite, Ava opened her door to Gil, who gave her quite the assignment: lift Harris’s key to the Salem PD’s evidence locker.

Then dispose of some *ahem* product that he didn’t want getting into the authority’s hands.

Ava, for her part, refused. As if such an act wouldn’t raise Harris’s suspicions.

Gil agreed it was risky…but that wasn’t going to stop him from tattling to Clyde. And the boss won’t like to hear that Ava wasn’t playing ball.

Gil then floated some quid pro quo Ava’s way.

She gives him what he wants — which is her body — and he’ll keep his mouth shut about her insubordination. No dice!

Gil advanced on Ava, ripped her blouse, pinned her arms, and made it clear that saying no wasn’t an option.

Ava, in turn, maneuvered herself into possession of Gil’s gun, verbally blasted him for the attempted rape, then blew him away despite his protests that if she shot him Tripp was a dead man walking.

Let’s Make A Deal

Over at the Kiriakis mansion, Sarah cooed to Xander that she’d much appreciate him dropping his bid for custody of Victoria.

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Xander Supports Sarah - Days of Our Lives - TV Fanatic

She didn’t want to fight with him either.

The kidnapping put things in perspective for her, and she was open to his suggestion that they raise Victoria together.

It wasn’t so much that she never thought he’d be anything less than a wonderful father.

It was just that she was upset — furious actually — and her stubborn pride took hold and she wanted to do the exact opposite of what was expected of her.

Xander could understand all that. He’s a great guy that way.

Homeward Bound?

Meanwhile, Konstantin realized he majorly overstepped with Maggie and insisted on returning to Greece.

Days of Our Lives Recap: Shawn Decides to Leave Salem and Belle |

Besides, he was well aware that many in the family thought that he’d overstayed his welcome.

Despite Maggie’s protest, Konstantin packed his cases.

Soon they were both in the living room with Xander and Sarah — with Maggie having ruined a near kiss between the two — and Konstantin bid his goodbyes.

Sarah, for her part, begged Konstantin to stay, at least through Christmas.

Yes, she feared that her mom was becoming too dependent on him, but he really came through for the family today, so extended hospitality is really the least they can do. Konstantin beamed.

It’s All Relative

At Titan, Brady demanded to know what he’d walked in on.

Who was Theresa talking to, and what mess had she gotten herself into already?

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Also, why did his ex insist on having private conversations in pretty public places?

Theresa managed to cover with a story about discussing her and Alex’s rendezvous with Stephanie, prompting Brady to wonder if the two had slept together only the once.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Brady and Alex head to Greece to solve a  mystery while Theresa snoops around Salem | Geeks

Yes, only the one time. And, while they may live together, they sleep in separate bedrooms.

But, why was Brady so interested? Was he jealous? No, no he was not. Hardly! Why would he be?

Alex eventually put in an appearance and talk turned to the role Brady was about to play in Xander and Sarah’s custody battle.

Wait, scratch that. The trial was over. That’s the good news. The better news was that Victoria was safe after a harrowing babynapping.

Alex passed severe judgment on whoever it was that absconded with the tyke and expressed the desire to see their ass nailed to the wall.

Guilty party Theresa could but gulp.

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on Peacock+ in the U.S. and The W Network or Global TV App in Canada.

For more about what’s coming up in Salem, check out all the latest Days of our Lives spoilers, and for an in-depth look at the show’s history, click
