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Days of Our Lives Recap: Leo’s Photoshoot Drama – Theresa Skips Flight

In Wednesday’s Days of Our Lives recap, Jada Hunter spoke to Brady Black, assuring him that Theresa Donovan was improving. Despite Jada’s attempt to hide her recent activities, Rafe Hernandez questioned her, […]

In Wednesday’s Days of Our Lives recap, Jada Hunter spoke to Brady Black, assuring him that Theresa Donovan was improving.

Despite Jada’s attempt to hide her recent activities, Rafe Hernandez questioned her, but she explained the situation.

In the police department squad room, Rafe peers suspiciously at Jada, who stares off guiltily.

Meanwhile, Alex Kiriakis found Theresa packing for a redeye flight to California.

Theresa felt like she was a total mess who’d let everyone down, so she thought it was best to just leave Salem.

Alex argued that Theresa couldn’t run from her problems and pushed her to stay there with him.

Since Alex knew he was flawed too, he suggested they could work on themselves together.

Wearing a white tank top, Alex holds Theresa's face as he makes a passionate point at home.

Theresa resisted at first and nearly came clean about Alex’s paternity truth, but she ultimately kept the secret and surrendered to a passionate encounter.

Afterward, Theresa assured Alex that this meant he was staying, so he was glad and confessed that he’d been falling for her since the first time they met.

In the town square on Wednesday’s Days episode, Brady Black hugged Rachel Black once Kristen DiMera brought her for their make-up daddy-daughter date.

Brady sits across from Kristen and Rachel in the Square.

Brady apologized for missing the first one and hoped Rachel understood that Tate Black really needed him.

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Rachel pointed out that Kristen said Tate was in big trouble, but Brady assured her that everything was going to be fine.

After they all grabbed some beverages and sat at a table together, Leo Stark came along and started pushing buttons.

Since Brady and Kristen were enjoying an outing with Rachel, Leo suggested they must’ve reunited.

Sitting at a table in the Square, Kristen glares openmouthed at Brady.

Rachel made it clear that wasn’t the case and indicated that she didn’t want her parents back together.

That news confused Brady, but Rachel explained that she didn’t want her mom and dad fighting constantly.

Brady said he’d like to spend more time with Rachel, but she acted like the current arrangement was best.

While Rachel was off buying candy for their movie later, Brady accused Kristen of turning their daughter against him.

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Things got heated, but Kristen acted like Brady needed to let his past issues with her go.

As talk turned to Theresa on Wednesday’s Days of Our Lives show, Kristen fished to find out whether Brady might want to a romantic reunion with Tate’s mom.

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Brady insisted that he was never getting back together with Theresa – nor was he ever getting back together with Kristen.

After Kristen insisted that no one would ever love Brady like she used to love him, she eventually admitted that she still loved him now.

Rachel Gets Sick - Days of Our Lives - TV Fanatic

Brady didn’t want to hear it and stood by his claims that he’d never reunite with his problematic baby mamas.

However, Kristen suggested they could at least try to see the best in each other as Rachel reappeared.

Brady thought that was a worthwhile goal and headed off to the movie with them both.

At the Salem PD, Rafe talked to Jada and Harris Michaels about bringing Ava Vitali and Stefan DiMera in for questioning now that they had all their ducks in a row.

Harris thought they’d be better off questioning Clyde Weston, who threatened Harris after basically taking credit for Lucas Horton’s attack.

After Harris got a phone call, he reported back to Rafe and Jada with updates on Lucas being transferred to a new location.

Harris felt he should keep the details to himself in case they had a dirty cop in their midst.

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Eric also had a photography shoot and eventually admitted Leo booked it. Sloan wound up delaying her meeting so that she could basically stick around and babysit Leo.

In his apartment, Eric crouches behind his camera while grinning over his shoulder. In front of him on a backdrop, a smirking Leo sits on a stool.

While Eric was off retrieving something, Leo confessed that he liked making Sloan squirm – though he really did need the photos for Lady Whistleblower’s comeback.

Sloan finally left to meet with her clients, but she texted Leo a warning not to breathe a word about Jude Brady or else she’d drag him down with her.

After Eric took the photos and Leo checked Sloan’s message, he gushed over the baby and mentioned all the new scandals he’d be covering.

Days of Our Lives Recap: |

Leo hinted that sometimes they were right under your nose, so Eric seemed puzzled before brushing off the comment.

Days of Our Lives spoilers Leo will continue to make waves for Sloan, so stay tuned!

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