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Y&R Recap: After Ashley Confuses Everyone with Her About-Face, Audra’s Insecurity Has her Stalking to Ashley’s For a Confrontation

Mon Feb 26, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Ashley urges Devon to forgive Tucker, Chance is confused by Billy’s reaction to his pitch, and Esther tells Billy and Devon to stop […]

Mon Feb 26, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Ashley urges Devon to forgive Tucker, Chance is confused by Billy’s reaction to his pitch, and Esther tells Billy and Devon to stop bickering.

Friday’s recap: Ashley Confesses to Seeing a Psychologist, Tucker Confronts Nate Over Obsession with Audra, Victor Involves Michael in Scheme

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on Feb 26. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

At Chancellor-Winters, Billy argues with Devon about a deal with Lenny.

Esther eavesdrops as Devon pitches the guy and Billy complains that this is just a lot of fuzzy feelings.


Esther enters and suggests they are wasting time bickering when they could be doing great things for the company instead.

The men claim they are not bickering. She reminds them of how important this company is to her.

She can read them and knows all about the tension in the Chancellor family.


Esther knows Devon resents Billy and Billy resents being resented.


She asks them to take a minute and think of how upset their fathers would be at how petty they are being.

After she walks out, they admit that Esther is not wrong.


Billy agrees to the meeting Lenny and Devon grudgingly agree too.

Chance and Nate show up, announcing they are about to blow their minds.


Nate is really happy with Chance’s new idea. They agree to listen to it.

Chance makes his pitch for a music festival.

Devon says that was a great presentation and he thinks it is finally the right time for something like this.


Nate nods but Billy thinks the idea needs some more work.

Devon gets a text and takes off. Billy repeats it’s a great idea and commends Chance on the good work before running off.

Chance has no idea what happened.

Nate suggests Billy just didn’t want him to get ahead of himself and Devon is probably overcompensating.

Chance feels blindsided by the lack of support from his mentor and feels like he can rely on Nate more.


At the GCAC, Audra tells Tucker that something has definitely changed with him.

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He thinks she’s being paranoid and looking for problems.


She brings up Ashley’s attitude shift and he claims to be bored by this.


He teases her and asks what the point of this is.

She asks him to swear he had no more contact with Ashley and he accuses her of being obsessed.

When he threatens to go, she apologizes and admits she feels a little insecure.

It’s just that things are going well for them and she worries.


He holds her hand until she brings up his wife again.

He says the only thing that’s changed is Ashley has realized she’s wrong.

She can understand why he’s kept talking to Ashley a secret but she thinks they owe each other absolute honesty.

Tucker admits Ashley snuck into his suite last night and told him she had an epiphany about what happened in Paris.

She wanted to apologize and admit he was right about everything. A fender bender shook the truth loose.

“Maybe she should get hit by a car more often,” suggests Audra.

He didn’t buy it but it’s what she said. Audra wonders what the agenda is. He’s sick of thinking about it.

What they had is over and finished and there’s no going back.


She wants to believe that but she is sure that his ex wants him back and will do whatever it takes to make it happen.

“Bring it on,” he says.

They go to his suite and he suggest they focus on their plans, not Ashley.


She prompts him to plan their trip. He makes a call to arrange it.

She thanks him and they kiss until he picks her up and carries her to bed.

As he sleeps after the two-backed beast, she sneaks out.


At the Abbott estate, Traci fills Jack in about her conversation with their sister.

Basically, Ashley has rescinded all accusations against Tucker.


She’s conceded that the blow-up in Paris was exactly as Tucker claimed.

Jack worries that Tucker is having an on-going influence on their sister.

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Traci is more concerned that Ashley may want to try again with him.

Ashley comes down the stairs and stares at them.


Traci suggests she give Jack the details. Ashley admits she just exaggerated everything and is now free.

Her brother notes she seems at ease and Traci hopes she can put McCall behind her now.

“If only it was that easy,” says Ashley.

Jack needs an explanation. His sister says she needs to do things her own way and is in control.


He gets the horrible feeling she’s about to give McCall another chance.

Ashley doesn’t want to be pushed and assures them she will not fall into her usual traps.


Billy wanders in and welcomes his sister back.

Ashley immediately takes off.


The siblings are all confused and fill Billy in on the latest.

They worry about what the fallout will be.

Traci worries about her sister and her refusal to swear that Tucker is out her life.


Billy thinks they should trust her.

Jack would love to but they can’t trust anything involving McCall.

His brother can understand that they are worried but there’s no reason to think she will reunite with Tucker.

Whatever their sister chooses to do, they should trust and support her on her journey.


The brothers start bickering and Traci suggests they all just trust their sister and see how this plays out.


Ashley arrives at Society and is greeted by Tessa, who recognizes her.


She promises her the VIP treatment as the boss’ mother.

Abby pops up and leads her mom to a table.

She fills her mom in on taking over there while she joins the board at Chancellor-Winters.


Abby adds she spoke to Traci and is worried about what happened in Paris.

Her mom assures her there’s nothing to be worried about. Devon joins them.

Ashley asked to speak to both of them and recounts her trip to Paris.


It turns out Tucker’s version of events was true and Traci got proof of it. Her mind just exaggerated and she overreacted.

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Devon doesn’t think she needs to apologize but she worries that what she did may have contributed to him pushing his father out of his life.


She won’t tell him how to feel but thought he’d reached a détente with his father before she shattered it.

He claims this is about his family and he can’t give Tucker another shot.

She urges him to consider it and exits.


Abby and Devon look perplexed.


Neither of them says this coming. She reminds him he has lots of reasons to avoid Tucker.

He asks how she feels about her mom’s change of heart.

She doesn’t know. Something is going on with her.


Back at the entrance, Mariah pops up and starts teasing her wife.


They chat about how her first day is going and Mariah goes on about all the outlandish requests she plans to make.

Tessa goes on about how great the energy is there.

That’s no surprise to Mariah.

They talk empanadas.


Chance meets with Summer at the GCAC.

She asks about the pitch meeting.

He’s not sure how it went.


She assures him that two out of three being enthusiastic was good.

He’s confused by how Billy reacted.

It’s like he has an agenda for the company and there was all this tension.


She knows that working in business can make you paranoid and adds that things didn’t go smoothly with Billy and Devon before.


Chance senses that Billy’s biggest problem is that Devon was into his pitch.

He doesn’t want to have to pick sides.

Ashley returns to the Abbott estate and Audra pops up, declaring it is her turn to set some things straight.


Ashley smirks and bobs her head.


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