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Days of Our Lives Recap: Gil’s Little Black Book Is Key to Ava’s Freedom – Kristen Rages at Holly

In the Tuesday, April 9 recap of Days of Our Lives, we learn that Paulina Price was less than thrilled with her tasteless breakfast at the pub, a necessity due to her […]

In the Tuesday, April 9 recap of Days of Our Lives, we learn that Paulina Price was less than thrilled with her tasteless breakfast at the pub, a necessity due to her diet before undergoing radioactive iodine treatment.

Paulina and Abe are at The Pub where they share the last meal before Paulina starts her radioactive iodine treatment.

However, her real concern was the looming isolation period post-treatment, as the thought of being apart from Abe Carver was unbearable for her.

Elsewhere, Johnny DiMera presented Chanel DiMera with the Horton cabin key as a surprise, despite her initial reluctance due to work commitments.

Chanel is finally okay to go to the honeymoon after she learns Johnny arranged for her time off with her employees. Plus, she knows her mom will be isolated in the hospital. So Chanel is now on board the honeymoon train.

Johnny had already ensured her absence was covered by her employees, paving the way for their honeymoon getaway.

Chanel’s visit to Paulina with special bear claws and the subsequent approval of their trip set the stage for their departure to the DiMera mansion.

At Horton Town Square, Johnny holds up the key to the Horton cabin where he tells Chanel they’re going on their honeymoon today!

In a park encounter, Tripp Johnson encouraged Wendy Shin to vent her frustrations and PTSD through kickboxing.

Despite her hesitation, Wendy’s overzealous punch turned into a playful moment, concluding with a jog home together.

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Meanwhile, Ava Vitali stood her ground against Clyde Weston’s manipulative demands over the phone.

Despite Clyde’s threats to expose her, Ava counted on Stefan DiMera’s support against Clyde.

Obviously, it’s Clyde Weston, who has orders for Ava. She thinks she’s free and clear because Stefan is behind bars. But he needs her to do one more itty bitty thing.

She reluctantly agreed to Clyde’s last request to secure a crucial black book from The Bistro, promising this would be her final task for him.

Tripp and Wendy were taken aback by Ava’s announcement of leaving The Bistro and her plans to move out, even though they felt she didn’t need to make such changes.

After Wendy and Tripp come home, Ava breaks some news to them.

At the hospital, Tripp lightheartedly asked Paulina about the possibility of pregnancy as part of her treatment protocol, leading to a humorous exchange before her solitary treatment began.

A tender farewell was shared between Paulina and Abe.

Conflict arose at the DiMera mansion when Holly Jonas gave EJ DiMera the cold shoulder over family disputes.

EJ comes home and defends Holly and highlights Kristen’s hypocritical ways.

Amidst this, Johnny uplifted Holly’s spirits while preparing for his own romantic escape with Chanel, providing a distraction for Holly and Rachel with a nail painting session.

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Kristen DiMera’s confrontation with EJ in the town square over being out of the loop on Stefan’s arrest highlighted her frustrations with the family’s secrecy.

Kristen tells EJ as much when he tries to rush by her. And she’s worried about the family business. He assures her DiMera is a-okay.

As Johnny and Chanel commenced their intimate retreat at the cabin, Kristen’s altercation with Holly and Rachel at the mansion saw EJ stepping in to defend Holly.

Kristen scowls at someone offscreen in the DiMera living room. Holly pouts behind her.

Setting the scene for ongoing disputes within the DiMera family.

Further Days of Our Lives spoilers tease continued turmoil and drama for the DiMera household, click
