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Days of Our Lives Recap: EJ’s Marriage at Risk – 911 for Chanel – Paulina Sneaks Out

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, April 16, detail that Chad DiMera and Xander Cook pressed EJ DiMera with questions about his unconvincing apology to Tate Black. The setup against Xander, […]

Days of Our Lives spoilers for Tuesday, April 16, detail that Chad DiMera and Xander Cook pressed EJ DiMera with questions about his unconvincing apology to Tate Black.

The setup against Xander, and the Harris Michaels investigation.

EJ deftly avoided giving straightforward answers to Chad and Xander.

He was also questioned regarding Stefan DiMera, suggesting that his brother rightfully belonged behind bars, though Stefan turned up to declare he was already free.

Nicole DiMera was outraged over Stefan’s release, accusing him of being responsible for the drugs that led to Holly Jonas’s overdose.

While Stefan attempted to make amends, Nicole stated that Holly was the one who deserved an apology, firmly refusing to let Stefan near her daughter.

The tension escalated between the brothers concerning whether Stefan should return to the DiMera mansion.

Stefan reminded EJ of a prior promise to return half of what he had taken, though EJ was skeptical about how this would apply to their house.

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Despite the board’s reluctance to have Stefan back at DiMera Enterprises.

Stefan pushed for at least a shared CEO role and more, threatening to reveal EJ’s complicity in illegal activities if not complied with.

Elsewhere, after assisting Ava Vitali with her move, Harris Michaels found out about Stefan’s release with her.

Ava was uneasy about the dangers Harris had faced to aid her, but he assured her of his ongoing support against Clyde Weston.

Following his altercation with Stefan, Chad apologized to Nicole for his family’s actions, acknowledging her professional fortitude.

Meanwhile, Xander and Sarah Horton discussed the possibility of Stefan’s involvement in framing Xander, resolving that Stefan would face consequences if implicated.

At the cabin, Johnny DiMera realized Chanel DiMera had left her phone behind and deceived Paulina Price about Chanel’s location to search for her.

Julie Williams managed to deceive Paulina temporarily about the newlyweds’ whereabouts, but an accidental reveal led Paulina to learn of Chanel’s absence.

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Faced with a severe snowstorm, Paulina took matters into her own hands, risking exposure after her treatment to hasten the search efforts.

Days of Our Lives spoilers suggest that immediate action is being taken to find Chanel in the difficult snowy conditions. Continue following Sadly for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates, and news.
