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Days of Our Lives Recap: Maggie Makes Two Shocking Propositions

In the Thursday, April 18 episode of Days of Our Lives, Maggie surprises people with unexpected offers, and numerous schemes unfold in Salem. Recap Photo Gallery Tripp thought Ava was in trouble […]

In the Thursday, April 18 episode of Days of Our Lives, Maggie surprises people with unexpected offers, and numerous schemes unfold in Salem.

Tripp was concerned that the reason Ava was moving out was because she was in trouble again. She reassured him that she wasn’t and would be safe with Harris.

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Tripp thought Ava was in trouble again but then consoled Wendy.

Harris and Ava hatched a scheme, while Alex gave Theresa some bad news.

Alex tells Theresa that they’re going to pull the plug on Bella. Upset, she quits stating that she wants a fresh start.

Later, she had a confrontation with Konstantin. Also, Stefan and Kristen cooked up their own nefarious plans.

She reassured him that she wasn’t and would be safe with Harris.

Tripp was concerned that the reason Ava was moving out was because she was in trouble again.

Ava and Harris hatch a scheme to use her keys to get into the Bistro, find the book, give it to Clyde, and then capture him.

She reassured him that she wasn’t and would be safe with Harris.

Wendy returned home after work and admitted she was having trouble from PTSD caused by their kidnapping. Tripp assured her that he’d help her through it.

She’s also worried that if Ava is in trouble again, it could spell danger for them once more.

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Tripp was concerned that the reason Ava was moving out was because she was in trouble again. She reassured him that she wasn’t and would be safe with Harris.

Ava and Harris hatch a scheme to use her keys to get into the Bistro, find the book, give it to Clyde, and then capture him.

Meanwhile, Stefan comes home to gloat at EJ, who tells him the board of DiMera Enterprises wants him to resign.

Kristen arrived and figured out that EJ blackmailed Stefan out of everything he owned.

Kristen arrived and figured out that EJ blackmailed Stefan out of everything he owned.

EJ later bumped into Harris and Ava at the Pub and chastised Harris for keeping Stefan’s involvement in his shooting secret to protect Ava.

Harris countered that he made a deal to free Stefan. EJ warns him to stay on his good side or he’ll reveal the secret Harris was keeping.

Stefan offered Kristen a deal: he would orchestrate getting her into the CEO job to replace Maggie proposed to Konstantin, as a marriage of convenience to keep him in the country.

Stefan offered Kristen a deal: he would orchestrate getting her into the CEO job to replace Stefan, if she agrees to help get Gabi out of prison. She said the only way to do that would be to prove Gabi’s innocence, and will think about his offer.

He feigns not wanting to impose and is concerned about what her family will think.

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Maggie consoles Theresa who fills her in on what happened with Bella. Maggie decides to have a chat with Alex.

Maggie goes to Alex’s office, congratulates him on making a good decision, and tells him that another good choice would be to rehire her so they can run the company together.

Maggie goes to Alex’s office, congratulates him on making a good decision, and tells him that another good choice would be to rehire her so they can run the company together.

Theresa encounters Konstantin. He reminds her about their deal: he’ll get half of Maggie’s money, and once she gets Alex to marry her, she’ll get half of his – with half of that going to Konstantin.

Theresa feels bad for what Konstantin is doing to Maggie, but he tells her that if she reneges on the deal, he’ll reveal she kidnapped baby Victoria.

Theresa feels bad for what Konstantin is doing to Maggie, but he tells her that if she reneges on the deal, he’ll reveal she kidnapped baby Victoria. Theresa counters that if she goes down, she’ll take Konstantin with her.

Theresa counters that if she goes down, she’ll take Konstantin with her.

Stay tuned to for more update about Days of Our Lives.
