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Days of Our Lives Video Preview: Discoveries, Threats, and Hookups

This week in Salem heats up. A wedding announcement receives mixed reactions, a fatal discovery occurs, and an unpredictable pair ends up together, according to the Days of our Lives spoilers preview. […]

This week in Salem heats up.

A wedding announcement receives mixed reactions, a fatal discovery occurs, and an unpredictable pair ends up together, according to the Days of our Lives spoilers preview.

Additionally, a major secret is revealed, and it seems a third party might interfere with a young couple’s relationship.

Wedding Announcement

Color Xander and Sarah are shocked when Maggie makes an announcement.

“Konstantin and I are getting married,” she tells the duo. “What?” asks a puzzled and concerned Xander.

Killer Groom

Apparently, Xander has good reason to worry, because Steve makes a gruesome discovery about the Greek groom-to-be.

“That bastard killed his ex-wife,” Steve tells John. “There’s no telling what he might do to Maggie.”

Turning Up the Heat

Theresa turns up the heat with Alex. She seductively leans over his desk at the Titan offices, and his eyes fixate on her; specifically her plunging neckline.

Across town, Kayla suddenly finds herself going head-to-head with Ava. “You stay the hell away from my husband,” Kayla warns the former mob princess.

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Mayor Paulina summons EJ, the Salem DA, and has it out with him. “You’re getting too big for your britches,” she spats.

Young Love

At the Brady Pub, Holly and her bestie Sophia are having a chat, when Sophia spies Tate behind the bar.

“My God, I wish he was on the menu,” coos Sophia.

Obviously, Sophia doesn’t realize that sparks are flying between Holly and Tate, as the twosome lock eyes across the room.

“You’re like totally over him, right?” Sophia asks Holly.

Will Holly tell her pal the truth or keep mum, since her parents and Tate’s have forbade them from seeing each other?

Strange Encounters

Meanwhile, Eric uncovers Sloan and Leo’s secret arrangement.

He approaches his wife at the Salem Inn and announces, “I found out you’re paying Leo’s room here.” Will Sloan be able to wiggle her way out of this?

And Everett has a weird encounter with the two women in his life.

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He happens upon Jada, his ex-wife, and Stephanie and greets them oddly.

He flashes a big smile at Jada and says, “Hey, good to see you.” Then he looks over at Stephanie and gives her a quick and dismissive, “hey,” as if he barely knows her.

But the biggest shocker of the week, no doubt, will be seeing who ends up in bed together:

Alex and Kristen. A bare-chested Alex falls down on the bed as Kristen straddles him, holds down his arms, and goes in for a kiss.

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