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Days of our Lives Spoilers: It’s Marlena To the Rescue – Twice

She has the ability to console Eric while simultaneously bringing Everett back to reality. Wednesday’s spoilers for Days of our Lives feature Doc Evans prominently. As she and John support Eric in […]

She has the ability to console Eric while simultaneously bringing Everett back to reality.

Wednesday’s spoilers for Days of our Lives feature Doc Evans prominently.

As she and John support Eric in coping with Jude’s passing and she collaborates with Jada to get Everett to see reason.

The Doctor is In

For literally decades, Marlena was the go-to person in Salem for all your romantic and psychiatric needs.

The last few years, however, have put her behind a desk, nodding her head sagely as other, younger people babbled on about their problems — and drove story.

But, fear not, everyone needs Marlena’s counsel and love eventually.

For now, it’s Eric, crushed at having to give his adopted son, Jude, back to his biological mother, Nicole, and dealing with the fact that it was his wife, Sloan, who made it all happen.

But Doc isn’t just a dedicated mom.

She’s also a brilliant therapist, discussing with Jada how to stage an intervention so that Everett faces who he really is. And who he really loves.

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Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here

Meanwhile, Stephanie is also upset about Everett.

Only, unlike Jada, she isn’t doing anything about it — besides crying on Chad’s more than welcoming shoulder.

Chad, for his part, is eager to track down Clyde and make his pay for Abigail’s death.

But he’s busy right now. With the shoulder crying thing.

So it’s up to Ava, Harris, and Lucas to head to the wilds of Montana to track down the drug dealer.

And it’s up to Steve to save them all when these three stooges inevitably blunder into something over their heads.

But love seems to have made them stupid. And Lucas has always been that way.

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