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Days of our Lives Spoilers: A Shooting in the Kiriakis Mansion

Who will be the target – and for what reason? “Days of our Lives” spoilers for Monday, June 10, reveal a significant admission from Konstantin, followed by a gunshot during his wedding […]

Who will be the target – and for what reason?

“Days of our Lives” spoilers for Monday, June 10, reveal a significant admission from Konstantin, followed by a gunshot during his wedding to Maggie.

The crucial query remains: Does he reveal his secrets before… or after the shot is fired?

This timing could significantly impact who is hit — and the motive behind it.

Before the Vows

Maggie suspects that Konstantin has a lot he hasn’t told her. We know it’s more than she can possibly imagine.

Not only were Konstantin and the late Victor not friends, Victor was responsible for the death of Konstantin’s daughter.

In revenge, Konstantin isn’t just planning to marry Maggie and kill her for Victor’s money.

But he also forged Victor’s final will and testament so that Alex was named as his long-lost heir, not the real illegitimate son, Xander.

Konstantin confessing any one of those things could be a good reason for Maggie to shoot him. Or for Alex to do it. Or Xander. Or, heck, even John.

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After the Fact

On the other hand, Konstantin may not necessarily be the victim. He could be the shooter.

He wants Maggie dead? Right after the I Do’s ought to get the job done for him.

Or maybe Konstantin wants to shut Theresa up for good. He could arrange to have her shot.

Wild Card

Just because Konstantin and Maggie are the ones getting married, that doesn’t mean they are automatically the ones destined to be shot.

The room will be full of people who are hated, or at least disliked, by other people.

Who knows what the state of Kristen and Alex’s relationship will be by then? Or Theresa and Brady’s.

Any DiMera could shoot any other DiMera at any time. Plus, there are the many faces of Everett.

All of Salem is a powder keg that could go off at any minute. Why not at Konstantin and Maggie’s wedding?

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