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Y&R Recap: Chance resigns, Lily seeks reassurances from Victor, and Billy wraps up a major deal and begins to gloat.

Monday September 9, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Lauren warns Nikki that trouble might be brewing, Summer and Kyle resolve their custody issue, and Billy taunts Devon. Friday’s recap: Sharon’s demands […]

Monday September 9, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Lauren warns Nikki that trouble might be brewing, Summer and Kyle resolve their custody issue, and Billy taunts Devon.

Friday’s recap: Sharon’s demands lead Heather to call her unhinged, Nick is surprised by Sharon’s antics, and Jack’s apology backfires.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on September 9. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Audra walks into the jazz lounge and greets Nate and Devon. Devon, however, isn’t interested in talking to her.


She understands that Devon doesn’t like her but believes they should be civil. Devon doesn’t see the point.

Nate points out that it would be less awkward since he and Audra are seeing each other. Devon looks puzzled.


They tell him they aren’t putting any labels on this and it’s not serious. Devon says it’s none of his business.

They assume he has plenty to say about this. He’s trying not to talk and drinks.


Audra says they are having a great time with no ulterior motives. Devon doesn’t think she’s changed and excuses himself.

Kyle is ordering a latte at Crimson Lights when Summer approaches him. They are getting ready for a meeting with their lawyers.


It’s been awhile since they could be civil like this. He says they need to keep it up for Harrison.

They sit and agree not to let their lawyers turn this into a war. The goal is to agree.


It’s weird that they have reached this point after all the anger and hostility. He’s happy they can talk again.

They both want what’s best for Harrison.


After their meeting, Kyle and Sumner go to the GCAC for champagne.


Their new agreement is almost the same as the old one and they are both happy about it.

She’s proud of them and they feel like they are now grown-ups. He hopes they never deal with lawyers again.


They turn away as Audra and Nate walk in together. Kyle assures Summer he’s still working on getting her out of his life.


Nate and Audra sit across the room.

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She guesses she’s still not Devon’s favorite person and doesn’t care.


Kyle comes over with wine and says it’s a team building gesture.

She asks him to join them.


Nate is glad to see they are getting along better. He says she won’t tell him who their mystery benefactor is but toasts to them.

Kyle won’t name any names either.


Once Kyle exits, Audra worries that he’s looking for something to smear her with. Nate urges her to relax.

Nikki joins Lauren at Society and they talk about how busy she is.

Lauren wonders why she agreed to let Adam run Newman Media.


Her friend explains that Victor had other plans.

She’s not convinced that Nikki would just back off and let her husband give Adam yet another chance.


Nikki admits that she didn’t just back off. She and Victor are working on something big.

Once they get their salads, Nikki says that this will give her more power than ever. Lauren is thrilled for her.


There will be a lot of maneuvering before it’s all in place.

She’s not sure how it will be accomplished.

This sounds like trouble to Lauren, who explains Victor called Michael into a last minute meeting this morning.


Chance arrives at the Abbott Chancellor office as Billy gets off the phone.

Excitedly, he tells him this deal will change everything.


He acquired Odyssey 7. Chance is impressed. Billy brags about locking it in.

Chance doesn’t think they are a natural fit for them but Billy thinks they are the future and will make people take notice of them.

Although all of this sounds great, Chance worries it could fall apart. Billy asks him to give him a break.

Chance asks him again to make him co-CEO. Billy doesn’t see the point and thinks playing it safe will stop them from growing.


Chance says it will only be temporary. Putting on his coat, Billy says they need to table this and will talk about his ideas later.

He’s not ruling it out but it can’t happen now. Chance demands an answer now.

See also  The Young and the Restless: Sharon's dea.dly obsession with Heather's ghost intensifies.

Billy says the answer is no. He’s not ready for the position but he wants him to stay on.

That’s not something Chance thinks is possible, sure he will shut him down every time and do things his own way.

Billy warns that if he walks, there is no coming back.


Chance joins Summer at Society and announces that he’s out at Abbott Chancellor. He gave Billy an ultimatum and walked.


She’s surprised that he did this so quickly. He didn’t want to stay and get frustrated.

Summer urges him to tell Jill before Billy does. He’s sure that Jill will see that no one can work with Billy.

Chance had to be true to himself. She wonders what he wants to do next.


He’s not sure she will like it. It will keep him around but have some drawbacks. She guesses that includes people shooting at him.

He admits he’s considering going back to the police. He gave the family business a shot but it wasn’t for him.

He’s more comfortable on the force. She’s not thrilled and sure his mom won’t be either but she gets it.


Lily joins Victor in his office, eager to get things started before Billy can do more damage to Chancellor.


She claims she has the key to his downfall.

Once she sits, they talk about the “boy genius’” plans.

She claims he is over-promising everything and thinks his deal will take the company to the next level. She’s sure it will sink it and create massive layoffs.


Lily thinks they can bring in elements of it without compromising everything. The whole launch is planned around this deal.

If someone else could beat him to the punch, he’d be left scrambling. That’s when Billy is vulnerable.

He’s impressed by her plan and thinks she would be good at chess.


She wants to confirm she will be running Chancellor again and get that in writing before she tells him more.

Michael arrives, surprised to see her. Victor declares the lawyer fixes everything.


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They tell him that plan. Michael says it seems complicated. Lily says her father would love her working with Victor.

Victor is sure her father would be proud of her. Lily just wants back what’s rightfully hers.


After she exits, Michael guesses he’s leading her on to get information and give her job to Nikki.

Is he playing with fire? Victor says he knows what he’s doing.


The lawyer asks if he wants his advice.

If he’s still planning to put Nikki in charge, he needs to see how useful Lily would be since she’s worked there for years.

Lily has excelled at being the boss.

Will she accept a secondary position? Victor is sure she will come around. Michael isn’t.


Nikki shows up and explains that Lauren is worried they are planning to skirt the law.

The men assure her that there is nothing to worry about.


Kyle calls Victor and tells him he just found out Audra can’t be trusted.

Billy goes to the jazz lounge and declares that he’s celebrating.

Devon tells him to enjoy it because kicking Lily out is the biggest mistake of his life.


Billy sips his whisky and says that he’s going up in the world.

He’s about to be dazzled.

They bicker about betrayal and Billy points out he only did to Lily what she planned to do to him. He’s sure Devon knew all about it.


Devon doesn’t think Chancellor stands a chance without Lily.

Billy tells him he can hire his sister back then.


Gritting his teeth, Devon says he’s going to sink.

Billy tells him that he should watch his back with his sister and strolls off.


Lily walks in and asks what that was about.

She tells him she can fight her own battles and is all over this one.


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