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B&B Recap: Finn massages Hope after walking in on a fight between her, Steffy, and Bill. Meanwhile, Bill asks Poppy and Luna to move in.

Thursday, June 6, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke doubts that Steffy would welcome her back. Meanwhile, RJ congratulates Luna and her family, and Li explains to Katie why she […]

Thursday, June 6, 2024: Today on Bold and the Beautiful, Brooke doubts that Steffy would welcome her back. Meanwhile, RJ congratulates Luna and her family, and Li explains to Katie why she felt the need to protect Bill.

Wednesday’s Early B&B recap: Li is horrified while Bill, Luna, and Poppy are overjoyed when the paternity test confirms that Bill is Luna’s father.

In the Forrester Creations office, Steffy laughs when Hope accuses her of fearing the Logans.

Hope asserts that she and her mother will continue to be an essential part of the company. The Logans are here to stay.


Steffy assures her that no one is trying to kick them out and accuses her of being paranoid.

She adds that the reprieve for the line is only temporary.


“You want to cancel Hope’s lines?” Finn asks as he walks in.

Steffy rolls her eyes.

Hope says his wife wants her line and family to disappear from the company.

The doctor asks his wife why she is doing this to Hope. Steffy stares.


She tells her husband to stay in his lane and Hope explains that her line just had a rough quarter and it will recover.

She adds that Ridge and Carter agreed and stopped Steffy from ending the line.

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Hope accuses her of making this personal and trying to eliminate the Logans.

Steffy laughs and then glares at Finn when he doesn’t laugh back.


Hope continues accusing her of trying to sabotage her life.

Steffy gets a text from Carter and has to go but asks her husband to respect her business decisions before she does.


Hope apologizes for dragging Finn into this.

She hates this and didn’t want the families fighting again.


She sits down as another migraine starts.

She gets him to massage her and nervously fondles her necklace as he does.


At Eric’s, Brooke is shocked when Ridge asks her to help him and Steffy lead the company forward.

He can’t imagine anyone better suited.


He wants her to apply her magic to the company.

He’s sure she has so much more to offer.


Brooke’s not sure what to say. This is flattering but…

Ridge doesn’t think there should be a “but.”

She’s done this before and is perfect for it.

Brooke is concerned about how Steffy would react.

His daughter may not want another Logan there.

He knows that she and his daughter haven’t always seen eye to eye but they are great businesswomen.

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She’d like to believe they can work together. He thinks it would be great and also help their relationship outside the office.


In the design office, Li tells Katie and RJ that her sister should have told Bill about Luna years ago.

RJ says this is huge for Luna.


Katie says Bill will have a lot of lost time to make up for.

RJ wonders if he should go over to see his girlfriend.

They encourage him and he takes off.

Katie notices that Li isn’t excited by all this.

She’s shocked. She thought her sister was trying to trap Bill but this is real.


Li goes on about how manipulative her sister is and how hard she works to convince people she is sweet and innocent.

She’s had the same calculating patterns with rich older men for years.

When Katie asks if she’s seeing her in a more positive light now, Li grunts.


She tells her how much she admires Bill.

He saved her life after Sheila tried to bump her off.

He was so kind and caring and nursed her back to health.

That’s why she wanted to protect him.


Bill will always have a special place in her heart.

She just hopes her sister deserves him.

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At Bill’s, Poppy is so happy to see that he and Luna are happy.

This is more than she could have wished for.


Poppy says she loves him even more now that they share a child.


Bill is feelings blessed to have such wonderful women in his life.

How could he not love them?


RJ arrives and Luan runs into his arms, declaring Bill is her dad.

He’s happy for all of them. Even Bill.

Luna feels lucky. Bill feels like he’s hit the jackpot.

RJ says Luna is perfect and Bill adds he will love and protect her and her mom too.


They have missed out on so much time together.

That makes what they have more special and he doesn’t want to waste a moment.

Bill asks them to move into his home.

They are his family now and his boys will love having a sister.


Their life as a family begins now. He holds them close and smiles.


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