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Y&R Recap: Ashley Bids Farewell to Tucker Before Checking Into a Clinic, and Victor Assigns Special Tasks to Michael and Cole

Mon June 10, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Audra’s appointments keep getting cancelled, Alan and Traci find solace in each other, and Cole and Michael ask Victor for a second chance. […]

Mon June 10, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Audra’s appointments keep getting cancelled, Alan and Traci find solace in each other, and Cole and Michael ask Victor for a second chance.

Friday’s recap: After Alan and Martin’s Balcony Mishap, Ashley Decides to Seek Help at a Clinic for Her Childhood Trauma

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on June 10. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

In Ashley’s Paris apartment, she wakes up to find her sister waiting for her.

For the first time in a while, Ashley finally has some peace. Her alters have been completely silent.


Her sister is happy that Ashley has found some answers and believes she will find more.

Ashley contemplates all the pain Alan must be enduring. She knows he will push that aside to make the arrangements for her to enter the clinic.

Even though Ashley doesn’t want to go, she understands it’s necessary. Traci thinks she’s amazing.

Her sister couldn’t have managed any of this without her. There is one thing Ashley needs to handle before she leaves.

She is determined to see Tucker. Her sister worries this could trigger a relapse, but Ashley feels she owes him an explanation.

Traci believes she can’t walk away from him, but her sister insists this is just about closure.


She can’t really be mad at Tucker for showing up last night.

She needs to set the record straight and thank him.

Ashley insists that she can handle this and has no plans to bump off Tucker.


She can understand her sister worrying that she’s not herself but assures her that she is.

Traci continues to worry about how vulnerable she is but her sister is sure Tucker will not follow her into a mental health facility.

They hug and Ashley takes off.


Alan soon arrives and Traci informs him that her sister has already gone to say goodbye to Tucker.


That makes sense to him. They chat about McCall and she worries about what a handful he can be.

He’s hurt the people she loves too many times, even if he did something decent last night.

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Alan says she seems like someone who gives people the benefit of a doubt.

Traci tells Alan how decent, kind, and generous he has been.


She’s been worried about him losing his brother. He says he’s been grieving his brother a long time and just hopes he’s at peace.

Traci tells him it’s time to put the burden down. If there’s anything she can do to help, she will.

He reminds her she’s been through an ordeal too. Traci will have a good long cry and maybe write a good book.


He asks what she will do now. She doesn’t know.

Her nerves are on fire. She can’t stop trembling.

Alan holds her.


Audra is at a café, calling Phillippe and asking for a meeting, adding there is so much more about Tucker the world needs to know.


As she has her coffee, she flashes back to her fight with Tucker in the elevator over Glissade and Ashley.

She remembers him telling her how much he loves her.

She sees Tucker has texted to say he has a proposition.


A call comes in cancelling her meeting with Phillippe.

In his hotel room, Tucker asks his secretary if there are any messages from Traci or Ashley. She says there are some about Audra.


That’s not thrilling for him.

She’s been smearing him to people he does business with.

He’s not sure what her next move will be, but he taught her all she knows.

He knows more.


McCall is sure the board member will remain loyal and he will smooth things over with Audra.

She wonders why he’s wasting time on Audra.

He claims it’s just business.


His face brightens up when Ashley arrives.


The secretary leaves them alone and he tells her how great she looks.

She thanks him for showing up and he’s glad he was there.

Ashley informs him she is checking into a clinic.

He’s happy she’s getting so much support.


They talk about how he was the first one who realized something was off with her and wouldn’t back down to her family.

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Maybe he guessed she has DID. He only knew she wasn’t herself.

“I’ll always know what makes the real you you,” he says.


When she says her alters put him through a lot, he says that’s only more of her to love.

He just wants her to be happy and healthy again.

Ashley says that what happened was scary. It’s hard to explain.

After the fight they had at the bistro, she met with Martin while he was pretending to be Alan and, while she’s not sure what happened after that,
she conflated what he did and what Martin did.


He’s sorry that she’s gone through all this. Last night must have been horrific.

Choking up, she says it would have been worse without him.


He wishes her all the best and good luck, assuring her that he could never hate her.

They awkwardly hug and she wishes him luck in life as she exits.


Audra is in the doorway.

Ashley tells her not to think teh worst and tells her she was just there to say goodbye and wish them success and happiness.


After she’s gone, Audra decides she doesn’t want to come in.

Tucker chases Audra to her room, eager to explain.

She insists she doesn’t care and is bored with his games.


He wants to explain what happened with Ashley.

She thinks that he was trying to use her to make Ashley jealous.

When he brings up how they feel about each other, Audra insists that he doesn’t have normal human emotions.

He asks for five minutes so he can explain. It could change everything.


Ashley returns to her apartment and announces she did what she needed to and is ready to move forward.


Alan says they clinic is expecting her and will treat her with nothing but care.

Ashley is ready for the next chapter of her life.


Cole meets with Michael at Society and they joke about being on Victor’s bad side.

Michael says he’s been through this with him before.

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He’s on Victor’s payroll so he wonders how Victor will punish him.

Cole explains he wants to keep him from Victoria and Claire.


Victor wanders in. He’s not surprised to see two “traitors” with their heads together.


They assure him that they are not conspiring and insist they were only look out for him and keeping his hands clean.

This is not about the outcome to Victor. He will not tolerate the betrayal of his trust.

They ask him to speak about this in private.


At the ranch, Victor asks Michael and Cole what they would have done with that “excuse for a woman” if he hadn’t stopped them.


He’s sure they would have bungled it and she would have escaped again.

Cole takes full responsibility and insists the whole intent was to protect him. Victor doesn’t need protection.

The lawyer says it’s all done now and punishing them is not a viable solution.

Michael asks how they can win his trust back.


Victor says there is nothing they can do to redeem themselves and he refuses to surround himself with people he can’t trust.

Michael repeats there was no conspiracy and Cole adds they should have spoken to him first.

The lawyer says they he likes working for him and does a better job than anyone else.

Plus, it would be unfair to cut Cole out of Claire and Victoria’s lives.

Victor announces they will have to prove their loyalty again.


Cole tells him to name it but Michael thinks they need more hints.

Victor asks Michael to rekindle his friendship with Diane.


He asks Cole to befriend Kyle but refuses to explain why. He insists he is only trying to protect their family.

Michael guesses that Victor is targeting Jack.


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