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Y&R Recap: Lucy and Daniel mourn over Heather’s presumed accidental drowning, Paul is notified, and Sharon apologizes to Daniel and Lucy.

Thursday October 3, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Phyllis informs Nick that Heather is dead, Victor tells Lily they need to be cautious with their next move, and Billy and Victoria […]

Thursday October 3, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Phyllis informs Nick that Heather is dead, Victor tells Lily they need to be cautious with their next move, and Billy and Victoria warn the kids that a family conflict is on the horizon.

Wednesday’s recap: Daniel identifies Heather’s body, Kyle pilfers secrets from Jabot, Victor fires Audra, and Sharon offers an apology to Phyllis.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on October 3. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

As Sharon tidies up at home, Cameron observes that she’s in a good mood. She mentions that her doctor believes she’s making progress in overcoming her dark thoughts.


He assumes that means she’s trying to rid herself of him. She replies that he serves as a reminder. He states that he’s been trying to help her move on.

When she checks the news, she hears that a body has been recovered.


She tells at Cameron, accusing him of telling her this would never happen. He says you can’t control river currents.

He tells her to pull herself together and stay calm. If she loses it now, she will be caught.

“Orange really isn’t your color,” he adds. As she panics, he suggests she can turn this in her favor.


She refuses to do what he is suggesting.

Cameron says that if she follows the plan, the nightmare will end and Daniel will get what he deserves.

This is the only option she has.


Victoria is at Society on the phone to Nick.

She worries about having to talk to the kids about her dad’s war on Billy.


She’s afraid of the fallout for them.

Nick says preparing the kids is all she can do.

Billy and the children arrive and she gets off the line.


He tells the kids that he has to focus on work and doesn’t have time for a relationship.

Katie is sad he will be alone.

He reminds them that they will be around.


If the kids hate sticking around, they will go back to their other schools.

See also  Y&R Recap: After Sharon poisons Daniel’s whiskey, Heather walks in and catches her just as she tries to make her escape.

They toast to that and their father warns them that things might get messy between Abbott Chancellor and Newman.

He’s excited about the future of the company, but Victor might try to spoil his success.

He has no intention of letting that happen.


Katie can’t imagine her sweet grandpa fighting with anyone.

Victoria and Billy argue about the company history.

She keeps biting her lip.

The kids leave for the movies, telling their dad not to let Victor bully him.


Victoria accuses Billy of making her father into the villain.

He says he is.

They argue about her dad and what this chance means to Billy.

He says he’s the one who has the right to be angry here.


She tells him there are aspects of her father’s plan that he doesn’t know about. He asks what they are.


When they step outside, he pushes for more details but she won’t provide any.

He worries this means things are about to get very ugly.


At home, Daniel sits down with his daughter.

She worries she’s done something wrong again.


Choking up, he explains that something has happened to her mom.

He doesn’t know how to say it, but she’s died.

Leaping up, Lucy asks why he would say that. He confirms she’s gone and holds her as she weeps.


He explains that she drowned. Lucy thinks that’s impossible. He went to the morgue and saw her body.

Lucy wants to see her but he doesn’t think that’s a good idea.

Crying, Lucy just wants to say she’s sorry for being a brat.

Her dad wishes there was something he could say, but all he can say is he’s not going anywhere.


They slump on the couch and she remembers her last conversation with her mom.

She feels bad for being hateful to her mom.

She put her through hell but her mom tried to understand what she did.

She can’t even remember the last time she told her mom she loved her.


Daniel tells her she was the light of her mom’s life.

See also  Young and the Restless 2-Week Spoilers Sept 23 – Oct 4: Nick is gripped by fear, while Lily finds herself under scrutiny, with tension rising in both their lives.

Lucy worries she stopped her mom from seeing Paul for a last time.

Daniel doesn’t know how he’s supposed to break this news to Paul.


Phyllis runs into Nick on the patio of Crimson Lights.

He’s shocked when she informs him that Heather is dead.


She explains that Heather sent a text saying she needed time alone. Next thing they knew, she was drowned.

Phyllis worries that Daniel can never fill the void left by Lucy losing her mom.


Hugging her, Nick tells her that he and Summer will give her all the support she needs.

They sit and talk about how excruciating this is. She doesn’t know if she has it in her to help.

He says she can be reassuring and let her son know she will help him through this.


As she takes his hand, Sharon arrives and spots them. She stays away.

Phyllis gets a text from Daniel and has to go. Nick assures her she’s fierce and will be fine.

As she goes, Cameron warns Sharon that Nick and Phyllis have a habit of falling in bed.


As Sharon bellows at him that she won’t do it, Nick lumbers in, noting her talking to thin air.

She claims she’s okay. He announces that Heather was pulled out of the river this morning. No one knows what happened.


Daniel and Lucy are in shock. He’s taken a lot of hits lately.


“And it’s all my fault,” she blurts out. He asks why and she keeps staring over at Cameron.

Sharon claims she just thinks that she upset Heather and maybe she was distracted and slipped.


She says it must have just been an accident and she shouldn’t make it about herself.

Back at Daniel’s, he calls Paul and informs him that Heather is gone. “Heather died,” he explains.


They don’t know many details. Her body was found in the river.

Lucy is not taking it well and he doesn’t know how they will go on without her.


Telling him how sorry he is, he gets off the line.

See also  The Young and the Restless: Nick discovers Sharon's dark secret, shaking their relationship to its core!

Screaming, Daniel falls to the floor.


Phyllis arrives. Her son wants answers but she has none.


Lucy is in her room and he feels bad for not always being there for her.

His mom says this will get through this as a family. He can’t even sleep in his old bed.


She reminds him he’s in shock and offers to call Danny.


Lucy comes out and hugs Phyllis.


Lucy and Daniel go to the park. They miss Heather and cry.


As they head for the pond, they run into Sharon.


She explains that Nick told her the horrible news and tells them how bad she feels about what she said and did.

Daniel says it doesn’t matter now. She hopes Lucy will forgive her one day.

Sharon’s not sure she can forgive herself.


Lily meets with Victor at the jazz lounge for an update on Chancellor. She guesses he was behind the Odyssey 7 deal being put on hold.


He says they need to be patient about him taking over a company the size of Chancellor.

She thinks the time is now. It’s time to kick Billy out and put her in control.


That makes him smile. He says things are more complicated now that she’s not on the inside.

They need to be patient. Dislodging Billy won’t be easy.

He explains that his daughter is complicating things and tipped Billy off. They need to wait and catch him when he least expects it.


Lily thinks there could be another solution. They could plant a spy.

He likes that idea. She points out that Phyllis is the new COO. Using Phyllis wouldn’t be easy.

Lily gets an idea and claims she has things under control.


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